Web Server Statistics for DF

Program started at Mon-01-Mar-2021 16:19.
Analysed requests from Mon-01-Feb-2021 00:00 to Sun-28-Feb-2021 23:59 (28.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Successful requests: 267 235
Average successful requests per day: 9 544
Successful requests for pages: 159 764
Average successful requests for pages per day: 5 705
Failed requests: 77 398
Redirected requests: 111 322
Distinct files requested: 23 880
Distinct hosts served: 13 057
Corrupt logfile lines: 9
Data transferred: 27.925 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 0.997 Gbytes

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the number of requests.

  reqs: %bytes: domain
------: ------: ------
265443: 99.96%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
   753:  0.03%: .com (Commercial)
   683:  0.01%: .se (Sweden)
   194:       : .net (Network)
    47:       : .tr (Turkey)
    28:       : .de (Germany)
    26:       : .fr (France)
    26:       : .ru (Russia)
    23:       : .it (Italy)
    11:       : .cz (Czech Republic)
     1:       : [unknown domain]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the top 25 directories by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: ---------
64925:  3.47%: [root directory]
50430: 62.26%: /~triad/
36180:  3.61%: /~fernbom/
17094:  1.93%: /~thanisa/
 9509:  0.92%: /~orjan/
 8279:  1.04%: /~ola/
 6184:  0.25%: /~daim/
 6126:  0.47%: /~bengt/
 5592:  0.92%: /~cato/
 4874:  0.48%: /~richardj/
 4823:  3.36%: /~jj/
 4660:  0.12%: /~pkj/
 3891:  0.58%: /~pi/
 3371:  0.39%: /~jokke/
 2928:  0.03%: /theme/
 2745:  0.11%: /~snorkelf/
 2290:  0.08%: /~ghost/
 2096:  2.92%: /~frost/
 1808:  0.14%: /~flash/
 1523:  0.33%: /~lft/
 1449:  4.48%: /~glyph/
 1436:  0.09%: /~ao/
 1370:  0.33%: /~lakaan/
 1343:  0.03%: /nyheter/
 1208:  1.08%: /~df/
21101: 10.59%: [not listed: 95 directories]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the top 50 files by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

  reqs: %bytes: file
------: ------: ----
 53384:  3.21%: /
  4450:  0.05%: /~fernbom/notfound.html
  1428:  0.02%: /~fernbom/
  1370:  0.02%: /~richardj/javadoc/
  1362:  0.02%: /~fernbom/music/
   669:  0.01%: /~ghost/guestbook/signguestbook.shtml
   508:  0.03%: /~fernbom/canada/
   340:  0.01%: /~fernbom/depechemode/sv/
   319:  0.04%: /wiki/load.php
   317:  0.01%: /~fernbom/erasure/links/
   315:  0.01%: /~thanisa/eng/usa.html
   308:  0.01%: /~fernbom/playlists/
   265:  0.01%: /~fernbom/music/mods/mods.html
   258:       : /~fernbom/music/mods/
   254:  0.01%: /~thanisa/usa.html
   232:  0.01%: /~fernbom/petshopboys/sv/
   232:  0.01%: /~triad/rockets/
   230:       : /wiki/api.php
   228:  0.01%: /om-datorforeningen/
   219:       : /~triad/
   217:       : /wiki/index.php
   216:  0.01%: /kontakta-oss/
   215:  0.01%: /~fernbom/history/
   202:       : /~pkj/
   199:       : /~fernbom/stiftelsen/
   193:       : /~triad/gnulinux/
   190:  0.01%: /~triad/audio/stygg.html
   189:  0.12%: /~fernbom/httplogs/9710.html
   182:       : /bli-medlem/
   180:  0.01%: /nyheter/extra-medlemsmote-2021/
   177:       : /hardvara/
   177:       : /~essett/
   176:  0.01%: /~fernbom/hugo/links.html
   169:       : /tjanster/
   165:  0.01%: /~fernbom/history/sv/
   160:       : /~fernbom/music/mods/menu.html
   158:  0.03%: /~gabe/nanny/voters/logs.html
   157:       : /~triad/book/
   156:       : /~cb/
   155:  0.11%: /~fernbom/httplogs/9802.html
   150:       : /~cato/nostalgia.html
   149:       : /author/rocket.html
   146:       : /donatorer/
   142:       : /driftinfo/uppgradering-av-lucifer-mail/
   140:       : /~triad/rockets/indexen.html
   140:       : /author/firetech.html
   138:       : /driftinfo/brutus/
   136:       : /~triad/krad/recode/petscii.html
   135:  0.12%: /~fernbom/httplogs/07total.html
   133:  0.18%: /~fernbom/httplogs/0105.html
195505: 95.85%: [not listed: 16 718 files]

This analysis was produced by analog 4.16.
Running time: 1 second.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

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