Web Server Statistics for DF

Program started at Mon-01-Apr-2019 07:36.
Analysed requests from Fri-01-Mar-2019 00:00 to Sun-31-Mar-2019 23:59 (31.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Successful requests: 328 203
Average successful requests per day: 10 587
Successful requests for pages: 214 122
Average successful requests for pages per day: 6 907
Failed requests: 131 567
Redirected requests: 207 089
Distinct files requested: 25 949
Distinct hosts served: 14 646
Corrupt logfile lines: 50
Data transferred: 24.742 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 817.331 Mbytes

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the number of requests.

  reqs: %bytes: domain
------: ------: ------
324359: 99.92%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
  1928:  0.03%: .se (Sweden)
  1536:  0.04%: .com (Commercial)
   203:  0.01%: .de (Germany)
    58:       : .jp (Japan)
    51:       : .net (Network)
    29:       : .no (Norway)
    27:       : .it (Italy)
    11:       : .cz (Czech Republic)
     1:       : .ru (Russia)

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the top 25 directories by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: ---------
77894: 14.83%: /~fernbom/
73641:  4.44%: [root directory]
26906: 41.04%: /~triad/
19424:  3.60%: /~thanisa/
12569:  2.27%: /~orjan/
12482:  1.91%: /~ola/
 9900:  2.71%: /~daim/
 6416:  0.30%: /~pkj/
 6312:  4.50%: /~jj/
 6048:  0.28%: /~snorkelf/
 5797:  0.50%: /~bengt/
 5650:  1.40%: /~jokke/
 5364:  0.72%: /~cato/
 5186:  0.16%: /feeds/
 4813:  0.82%: /~richardj/
 3849:  1.27%: /~pi/
 3628:  0.43%: /~ghost/
 3446:  6.57%: /~frost/
 3054:  0.03%: /theme/
 2133:  0.22%: /wiki/
 1701:  0.20%: /~ao/
 1668:  0.59%: /~lakaan/
 1596:  0.26%: /~lft/
 1550:  0.06%: /~flash/
 1499:  1.62%: /~rocket/
25677:  9.27%: [not listed: 92 directories]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the top 50 files by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

  reqs: %bytes: file
------: ------: ----
 56666:  4.00%: /
  6787:  0.04%: /~fernbom/notfound.html
  4057:  0.07%: /~fernbom/music/
  1862:  0.02%: /~fernbom/
  1134:  1.21%: /~fernbom/httplogs/9801.html
  1003:  0.89%: /~fernbom/httplogs/9712.html
   963:  0.01%: /~richardj/javadoc/
   936:  0.14%: /wiki/api.php
   911:       : /~richard/GSC2019.html
   755:  0.04%: /~fernbom/canada/
   715:  0.02%: /~ghost/guestbook/signguestbook.shtml
   578:  0.41%: /~fernbom/httplogs/9708.html
   556:  0.49%: /~fernbom/httplogs/9709.html
   484:  0.51%: /~fernbom/httplogs/9802.html
   468:  0.03%: /~fernbom/music/mods/mods.html
   413:  0.01%: /~fernbom/erasure/links/
   387:  0.18%: /~fernbom/httplogs/9701.html
   375:  0.01%: /~pkj/
   373:  0.06%: /wiki/load.php
   355:  0.01%: /wiki/index.php
   340:  0.01%: /~fernbom/depechemode/sv/
   329:  0.03%: /~fernbom/hugo/links.html
   327:       : /~triad/
   307:  0.10%: /~fernbom/bookmarks.html
   305:  0.01%: /~thanisa/usa.html
   290:       : /~fernbom/music/mods/
   281:  0.01%: /~triad/krad/tftpserver.html
   275:  0.01%: /~triad/rockets/
   268:  0.01%: /~ola/x-files/x-chars.html
   267:  0.01%: /~triad/book/
   267:  0.01%: /~thanisa/eng/usa.html
   263:       : /~triad/gnulinux/
   260:  0.22%: /~fernbom/httplogs/9710.html
   240:       : /~cato/nostalgia.html
   238:  0.01%: /~fernbom/httplogs/usage/
   230:  0.01%: /~ola/mylinks.html
   229:       : /~essett/
   218:       : /~fernbom/httplogs/
   216:  0.33%: /~fernbom/httplogs/0012.html
   211:  0.01%: /~triad/diab/
   209:  0.01%: /~fernbom/playlists/
   205:  0.02%: /~ghost/hotlist/hotlist.shtml
   204:  0.02%: /~sven/dykfaq/
   202:  0.01%: /~fernbom/history/
   200:  0.01%: /~triad/rockets/indexen.html
   200:  0.01%: /nyheter/hostmote-2018/
   199:  0.01%: /~triad/krad/dlink-dir-685/
   189:  0.22%: /~fernbom/httplogs/0004.html
   189:  0.01%: /~snorkelf/Longitudinal/node9.html
   184:       : /~df/protokoll/medlemsmote/
241083: 90.75%: [not listed: 18 040 files]

This analysis was produced by analog 4.16.
Running time: 2 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

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