What I do on the Web Net 
(or "Mercy!!! Not another hot-list!!!")
[Books and Magazines]
[Coffee related]
[Commercial Companies]
[Hack, Crack and Privacy]
[History and Legends]
[Unsorted Stuff]

It's been said: "Show me what he
is wearing and I can tell you what man he
But I would like to say: "Show me his
hotlinks and then I really can tell you what man
he is."
If you're lost but still cling to the pathetic illusion of order
(thermodynamics 2:nd law tell us otherwise), click and
My favourites
My pet projects 
My swedish links
Donkey Dong - Javaversion of the 'Game & Watch' game
Tom's Hardware Guide - Superb guide
Internet Games - Tons of'em
Pass the Pigs game - Lovely internet conversion
What browsers reveal about you
Lurkers Guide to Babylon 5 - Biggest and best B5 site.
SVT24 - Swedish news
Film på TV - Film currently on Swedish channels
TV - TV-Channels in Sweden/Denmark
Game & Watch - The golden oldies
Parachute Game & Watch - Play it with Java
Chaos - information on #chaos for IRC
Sweden - My swedish links
Search engines
Alta Vista (text only) -
Alta Vista -
Polarsearch - Nordic searchengine
Nordic Web Index
FTP search - GPL archie
Deja News
Computer related
My linux page
Specific hardware/software resources
Acronymes Informatique
ESS Downloadable drivers - Driver from ESS Technology
ESS 1868 PnP - Driver and Info
BIOS and Drivers - Big list to download from
Seagate disc-support - Doucumention for every harddrive
Java security bugs
Microsoft Security Flaws
IE bug - Info about .LNK and .URL bug
Hack, Crack and Privacy
MPEG applications
MP3PlayListMaker - Better control of Winplay
TK3Play - MPEG audio player for Linux
Winamp - Best mp3 player
mpg123 - Very fast mp3-decoder
mpg123 optimized for i486
GMP3 - Fronted for mpg123
Misc applications
Pine - Mail-client
NTFS - Mount NTFS for DOS
XAnim - Homepage.
FVWM - Offical home site
Perl - Major page.
ZSH - Information
FSDEXT2 - Ready ext2fs partitions in windows
Hardware Specs - Spec for Computer Hardware.
SCSI-2 Spec - Specifications.
File archives
File Mine - Large file archive
Winsock Software - Huge collection.
SimTel site - Very large site for PC software
Screensavers - Many many many...
Screensaver heaven - And still many more...
Tinyfugue Hompage - MUD-client
Lesstif - Free Motif version
Help on LaTeX - Documentation
TeX- Interesting TeX-related URLs.
Modula-3 under Linux - Modula-3 compiler for Linux.
HBC - Haskell compiler - From Chalmers
Unix Haters Handbook - People not so fond of Un*x.
IRC and bots - IRC and gamebots info.
AUC RFC Archive - Danish RFC/FYI/STD archie.
Usenet FAQ Archive - Sunet site in Sweden
[German Mirror]
- Official Site
NetBSD mailing list archives
Unix Guru Universe
POTM - Programmer of the Month contest
MAPS - Mail Abuse Protection System
Router statistics
Hack, Crack and Privacy
What browsers reveal about you
Cypherpunks - Cypherpunks & Coderpunks Archives
Cryptography FAQ - FAQ from RSA Labs
PGP - MIT distribution site
Cypherpunks - Homepage of the Cypherpunks
EFF Document Archive - Electronic Frontier Foundation
Remailers - Anonymous mail
Anonymous Webpages - Info on being anonymous
Conspiracy Web - Feeling paranoid?
Intelligence Watch Report - Watch the watchers
Digicash homepage
Fulltime RSA - Fulltime RSA decoded telphone
Ssh, Secure Shell
Safe Passage - 128-bits web-proxy
Info on remailers
Anonymous Remailers
Sniffer FAQ
www.w3.org - W3 development.
IICM - Default server of Hyper-G (HTF)
Cascading Style sheets - CSS Draft Revisions.
HTML update - New development on HTML
HTML 3.0 Specification - Table of Contents.
Mime Types - Netscape Mime Types
Access Conifuration - For NCSA httpd.
Cookies - Preliminary specification
Kaffe - Java VM
Weblint - Check HTML for errors
Weblint - HTML engine
Verify HTML - Verify URL links in HTML document
Web Gateways and servers - How to write Web
gateways and servers
Netscape 4 FAQ
Netscape 3 Handbook
analog - creates statistics for http-logs
Getstat - Log HTML activity
Statistics - Make statistics
Wusage - Create useage of HTML
WWW-stat - Create WWW statistics
WWW Robot - Info about a WWW-exploring robot
URL-reminder - Reminds of updated URL:s
Background resources - Big list
Background from www.cs.uwf.edu
Icon archive
XGalaga - Superb X Windows game.
Nethack - Nethack site
DLH - dirty little helper.
Hints'n Cheats Collection
Spoiler Centre - Huge spoiler site.
Game resources
Ultima Dragons -- Internet Chapter - For every
Ultima freak.
Game Companies - Big list
Interactive Web Games - Games like Othello,
Black Jack and Muds.
Recreations Library - Games and recreations.
Top 100 - Internet PC Games Top 100
Happy Puppy - Games site
Games Domain
The Game Oasis - Looking for info on a Game?
PC Games Links - Mostly game companies.
Coming Soon Magazine - Game orientied
Online Gaming Review - Magzine
Pacific HiTech - Shareware site
Books, Magazines and Zines
My bookpage - Where the good stuff is.
SF book database - At Chalmers in Sweden
iBS - Internet Book Shop.
Penguin Pockets - Official Webpage
Princeton, Center for Electronic Texts
The Bible - Bible Gateway, support several languages
List of Dictionaries
Hypertext Webster Gateway
Acronyms and abbrevation list - Search for acronyms
Reversed Dictionary - What word are you looking for?
Webster's Dictionary
Swedish-English dictionary - Located in sweden
Global Encylopedia - Free and user-supported
Encyclopedia.com - Free encyclopedia
Newspapers by country - Daily newspapers sorted by countiry.
Electronic Telegraph - The British newspaper.
CNN - Offical CNN server.
News Now - Several official newspapers
PNP - Indivdual news
TV - Radio (Sweden/Denmark)
Text-TV -
Program tablå
Program tablå
TV3 -
Program tablå
TV4 -
Program tablå
Kanal 5 -
Program tablå
Z-TV -
Program tablå
TV1000 -
Program tablå
TV9 - Infokanalen
Sveriges Radio
Radio Rix
DR -
Program tablå
DR1 Tablå
DR2 Tablå
Dansk TV2 tablå
Eurosport tablå
Bio Hemma
TV-Guiden Denmark
World TV-stations
Coffee Connections - By Dave.
History of Coffee - Book about Coffee.
Over The Coffee - Coffee site.
Funny coffee poem
History, Myths and Legends
Arthurian Heaven
History by Countries - Very large list of historysites
by country
History site
Word History Archive
Military History
Legends - Various Legends
Norse Mythology
Encyclopedia Mystica - Encyclopedia on mysticism,
legends and lore
Ancient World Web - Info on history of the
Ancient World
Music Related
mpeg3 site
Ultimate Band List - Gigantic list of bands
Classic Music Archive - Classic Music
Music of the Net - A hole bunch of songs.
CME - Canadian Music Archive.
Classic MIDI Archive - Tons of midis.
Jarre Mania Page - Jean Michel Jarre.
On the Air
- Online radio stations
mpeg computer section
Commercial Companies and Organization
Addison-Wesley Longman
Cirrus Logic
Creative Labs
Future Domain - purchased by Adaptec
ESS Technologies
Miscellaneous stuff (unsorted)
UCC - Universal Currency Converter
Calvin and Hobbes - Great C&H page
Piranhaclub - From Ernie comics
Alien Saga
Swedish idioms
Per & Lisa - Swedish weirdness
Totoro Page - The big cuddly manga character
ReBoot - Unofficial page
Movie Trailers - Gigantic archive of Movie Trailers
Freethought Web - You name it, it's here
Tales of Wonder - Folk and Fairy Tales around the World
World Charts
rec.puzzles archive - Puzzles for your brain.
NASA Information Services - Homepage of NASA.
Internet Pizza Server - At last you can
download a pizza!
David Lynch - Page about David Lynch.
Zen - Understanding of Zen, if possible...
Dark Web - Dark Side of the Web
The Nine Planets - A tour of the Solar System
Weird Science Page - Nothing more, nothing less...
Drinking Games - Here they are, just start brewing
Comic Strips
Moon Travel - Publisher of travel guides
Illuminati - ...fnord
Miraculous Pi Algorithm - New algorithm for
calculating PI-decimals
Federation of American Scientists
Conservative Corner
City Net - Links and Info on every country
The Dilbert Zone
Comic Strip - Dilbert, Robotman and more
200 POP Culture Sites - Fun links.
Johnnie Walker Burns - The Whisky.
Foreign Languages for Travelers - Learn to speak like a tourist in 16 languages.
URouLette - A random URL.
Screaming man - Some weird arts
Internet MCI - A internetzine, news etc.
GNN - Newssite on Websites
TimesFax - New York Times
Coffee Journal - Commercial Journal on food & coffee
Smash - A net-magzine.
HotWired - Magazine.
Cybersurfer - A Cyber-Zine
Joan L. Grow
Linus Walleij
Paul Reinerfelt

Ola Mårtensson:http://www.df.lth.se/~ola
Time-stamp: <2012-10-23 13:52:18 ola>