Web Server Statistics for DF

Program started at Sat-01-May-1999 01:37 local time.
Analysed requests from Thu-01-Apr-1999 00:00 to Fri-30-Apr-1999 23:59 (30.0 days).

Total successful requests: 1 180 902
Average successful requests per day: 39 363
Total successful requests for pages: 241 130
Average successful requests for pages per day: 8 038
Total data transferred: 27 328 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 932 787 kbytes

(Go To: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: Directory Report: Request Report)

Printing the first 15 domains, sorted by number of requests.

 #reqs: %bytes: domain
------  ------  ------
282980: 24.29%: .se (Sweden)
270117: 23.56%: .com (Commercial, mainly USA)
182943: 15.67%: .net (Network)
173709: 13.31%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 31836:  2.93%: .edu (USA Educational)
 30682:  1.96%: .de (Germany)
 20144:  1.45%: .uk (United Kingdom)
 16762:  1.25%: .fr (France)
 15822:  1.41%: .ca (Canada)
 14535:  0.85%: .fi (Finland)
 13552:  0.99%: .nl (Netherlands)
 12153:  1.25%: .no (Norway)
 11883:  1.23%: .au (Australia)
  9087:  0.72%: .dk (Denmark)
  8492:  0.75%: .it (Italy)

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: Domain Report: Request Report)

Printing the first 25 directories, sorted by number of requests.
Printing directories to depth 1.

 #reqs: %bytes: directory
------  ------  ---------
238947: 27.12%: /~triad/
166269: 20.80%: /~micke/
124457: 19.20%: /~prinsen/
 62667:  2.94%: /~ozzie/
 56544:  4.86%: /~fernbom/
 55037:  1.07%: /~cato/
 48451:  2.82%: /~spock/
 39379:  0.63%: /~mikaelb/
 34880:  0.90%: /~ola/
 27631:  0.91%: /~thanisa/
 20534:  0.80%: /~toby/
 19416:  1.09%: /~hans/
 15687:  1.19%: /~viking/
 14984:  0.10%: [root directory]
 14591:  0.16%: /~john_e/
 11610:  1.80%: /~master/
 11241:  0.20%: /~morpheo/
 10790:  0.67%: /~afro/
 10335:  0.58%: /~bjork/
  9823:  0.32%: /~kanstrup/
  7457:  0.52%: /~nisse74/
  7237:  0.53%: /~cml/
  6581:  0.08%: /~robert/
  6394:  0.12%: /routers/
  6089:  0.16%: /~stoney/

Request Report

(Go To: Top: Domain Report: Directory Report)

Printing the first 50 requested files, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: file
-----  ------  ----
29150:  0.44%: /~micke/annaworship.html
 5322:  0.21%: /~prinsen/hehe/
 4827:  0.06%: /~triad/triad/
 4141:  0.02%: /
 3764:  0.10%: /~triad/audio/
 2425:  0.03%: /~triad/triad/3illeg.html
 2162:  0.01%: /~prinsen/hehe/nya/
 1728:  0.04%: /~fernbom/metallica/
 1662:  0.05%: /~triad/triad/3phile.html
 1600:       : /bar.html
 1598:  0.01%: /outline/
 1589:  0.05%: /~ozzie/Norum/main.html
 1574:  0.01%: /~prinsen/hehe/dark/
 1574:       : /sponsor.html
 1546:       : /~ozzie/Norum/
 1507:  0.02%: /~spock/index2.html
 1459:  0.02%: /~ozzie/Norum/left.html
 1447:       : /~spock/lycka.html
 1443:       : /~spock/top.html
 1385:  0.01%: /~spock/menu2.html
 1360:       : /~spock/billy/index2.html
 1266:       : /~spock/billy/main.html
 1259:       : /~spock/billy/top.html
 1235:  0.03%: /~spock/
 1226:       : /~spock/billy/bottom.html
 1164:       : /~tg/sti/
 1098:  0.02%: /~spock/billy/
 1066:       : /~fernbom/music/mods/
  957:  0.01%: /~cato/nostalgia.html
  950:  0.01%: /~fernbom/music/mods/menu.html
  931:  0.15%: /~roubert/inloggningstoppen.html
  927:       : /~master/pics/babes/
  911:  0.01%: /~afro/jeff/jeff.html
  910:  0.04%: /~triad/book/
  899:       : /~triad/Philez.html
  894:  0.02%: /~john_e/gems.html
  859:  0.01%: /~triad/
  846:       : /~afro/jeff/
  817:  0.25%: /~triad/book/04underj.html
  773:  0.04%: /~viking/wav.html
  757:  0.03%: /~triad/triad/3linx.html
  756:  0.03%: /~ola/c64.html
  709:  0.01%: /~john_e/
  708:  0.01%: /~mikaelb/statiscope/statiscope.shtml
  699:  0.02%: /~ozzie/Norum/news.html
  677:  0.01%: /~mikaelb/pocketcalc-enu.shtml
  660:  0.10%: /~cml/scania/
  653:  0.02%: /~triad/triad/3sids.html
  652:  0.01%: /~spock/xx.html
  641:  0.01%: /~mikaelb/aritm/aritm.shtml

This analysis was produced by analog2.11/Unix.
Running time: 47 seconds.

(Go To: Top: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

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