
I have a few songs here at my webspace. Download at your own risk. Perhaps you should check out the song length before you download if you're sitting on a 28.8kbit connection or so. If you have a fast connection then just listen & enjoy. You can (re)distribute these as much as you wish without copyright considerations of course.

This link to get to other pages I made.

If you wonder why I sing my songs in Swedish, I can tell you that I can think of nothing more pathetic than idiots trying to sound like they can sing in English when they obviously can't. Also it's easier to come up with lyrics in a language you grew up with, but it takes some courage.

1 I changed the "Z" (former title: "SongZ") into an "S" because Ian Wallace asked me to. I don't know what to say. People mail me the weirdest comments, but this one must have been the weirdest so far, so I decided to change it. There must be some meaning to it.