Web Server Statistics for DF

Program started at Tue-01-Feb-2005 08:54.
Analysed requests from Sat-01-Jan-2005 00:00 to Mon-31-Jan-2005 23:59 (31.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Successful requests: 1 726 016
Average successful requests per day: 55 679
Successful requests for pages: 359 005
Average successful requests for pages per day: 11 581
Data transferred: 68.378 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 2.205 Gbytes

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the top 15 domains by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

   reqs: %bytes: domain
-------: ------: ------
1596567: 97.30%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
  47038:  0.70%: .com (Commercial)
  42961:  1.15%: .se (Sweden)
  18813:  0.31%: .net (Network)
   2780:  0.04%: .fi (Finland)
   1506:  0.03%: .ca (Canada)
   1430:  0.03%: .pl (Poland)
   1419:  0.02%: .edu (USA Educational)
   1205:  0.02%: .uk (United Kingdom)
   1121:  0.07%: .nl (Netherlands)
   1054:  0.03%: .de (Germany)
    918:  0.03%: .dk (Denmark)
    843:  0.04%: .it (Italy)
    780:  0.02%: .no (Norway)
    756:  0.04%: .jp (Japan)
   6825:  0.18%: [not listed: 67 domains]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the top 25 directories by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

  reqs: %bytes: directory
------: ------: ---------
135855: 10.95%: /~triad/
130177:  2.82%: /~fernbom/
128983:  3.72%: /~thanisa/
110913:  0.70%: /cgi-bin/
107439:  2.22%: /~mikaelb/
106393:  0.80%: /~cato/
104137: 15.26%: /~roubert/
 70029:  3.80%: /~ola/
 62144:  3.22%: /~mehinger/
 44047:  5.76%: /~master/
 41152:  1.91%: /~ghost/
 40507:  1.95%: /~spock/
 40374:  0.05%: [root directory]
 35571:  2.64%: /~arnholm/
 34690:  0.78%: /~pi/
 33914:  0.67%: /~kanstrup/
 26981:  0.33%: /~dimka/
 23972:  9.05%: /~daf/
 23950:  0.11%: /~nehle/
 22647:  4.03%: /~lft/
 21613:  0.01%: /icons/
 18683:  0.08%: /~john_e/
 15779:  3.66%: /~cml/
 15608:  0.12%: /~snorkelf/
 14679:  0.27%: /~cga/
315779: 25.09%: [not listed: 302 directories]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the top 50 files by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

   reqs: %bytes: file
-------: ------: ----
  22570:  8.94%: /~daf/url.php
   6600:  0.03%: /php/thumbnail.php
   4255:  0.03%: /
   3714:  0.16%: /~mehinger/undervisning/index.php
   3344:  2.24%: /~thanisa/recept/alpha/all.html
   3040:  0.04%: /~nehle/forum/index.php
   2464:  0.02%: /~triad/triad/
   2199:  0.01%: /~arnholm/images/manga/
   2073:  0.02%: /~mikaelb/aritm/aritm-sve.shtml
   1983:  0.01%: /~mikaelb/pocketcalc.shtml
   1734:  0.01%: /~mikaelb/aritm/aritm.shtml
   1672:  0.05%: /~egh/fora/index.php
   1583:  0.01%: /~micke/annaworship.html
   1424:  0.01%: /~triad/
   1409:  0.01%: /~lft/tags/
   1323:  0.05%: /~dimka/puss/viewtopic.php
   1303:       : /~jesper/funnys/archive/cowlist.html
   1252:       : /~master/more/pics.html
   1238:  0.01%: /php/dispthumbs.php
   1236:  0.04%: /~roubert/www.ollning.com/
   1204:  0.12%: /~fernbom/music/mods/mods.html
   1185:  0.01%: /~mikaelb/statiscope/statiscope.shtml
   1143:  0.05%: /~dimka/puss/viewforum.php
   1108:       : /~gemini/Pictures/main.php
   1054:  0.10%: /~cml/scania/
   1014:  0.04%: /~dimka/puss/index.php
   1005:  0.02%: /~ghost/startrek/startrek_sounds.shtml
    991:       : /~fernbom/music/mods/
    961:  0.01%: /~triad/krad/linuxinstall.php
    904:       : /~cato/nostalgia.html
    895:  0.01%: /~hagar/lurvas/foto/valj.php
    874:       : /~fernbom/music/mods/menu.html
    857:       : /~ghost/startrek/startrek_images.shtml
    843:  0.11%: /~thanisa/recept/alpha/C.html
    842:  0.01%: /~john_e/gems.html
    841:       : /~mikaelb/pocketcalc-enu.shtml
    840:  0.01%: /~triad/book/
    823:       : /~thanisa/recept/alpha/
    792:  0.04%: /~ryssen/pics/index.php
    788:  0.02%: /~thanisa/thailand.html
    779:       : /~smurf/
    779:       : /~fernbom/
    755:       : /~arnholm/images/movie/tyra/
    750:       : /~ryssen/uevorpg/boards/main/index.php
    747:       : /~mikaelb/papers/ind_rev.shtml
    739:       : /~fernbom/metallica/
    729:  0.04%: /~thanisa/recept/alpha/T.html
    715:       : /~spock/topse6/hemlig.html
    691:       : /~thanisa/recept/units.html
    669:       : /~cappentz/svensexa/Bild8.htm
1633283: 87.69%: [not listed: 111 445 files]

This analysis was produced by analog 4.16.
Running time: 1 minute, 2 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

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