Package se.lth.cs.nlp.nlputils.core

Auxiliary classes used by all libraries.


Class Summary
Aux Contains a set of auxiliary methods used by all libraries.
ByLeft<T1 extends Comparable<? super T1>,T2> A comparator that compares the left element of a pair.
ByRight<T1,T2 extends Comparable<? super T2>> A comparator that compares the right element of a pair.
CollectionUtils Some auxiliary methods for collections.
DOMUtils A utility class which contains static methods to simplify some chores common when working with DOM trees.
Function<T1,T2> A callable one-argument function from T1 to T2.
ListHash<K,V> A map from a key type to a list of the value type.
NegatedComparator<T> A reversal of a given comparator.
Pair<T1,T2> A pair consisting of a left and a right element.
Predicate<T> A callable one-argument predicate.
Procedure<T> A callable one-argument procedure.
Triple<T1,T2,T3> A triple consisting of three elements.

Package se.lth.cs.nlp.nlputils.core Description

Auxiliary classes used by all libraries.