"Fantasy, a dream come true"
THE fantasy writer, the one who
introduced the world into a the world of fantasy. His book "The Lord of the
Rings" are even to this date one of the most popular fantasy book. It is a
magnificent saga about good vs. evil, and the privation of the fellowship of
the ring in riding the evil in this world.
Tolkien will take you to a world where you will meet
, Sauruman, Sauron, Strider,
the Nazgul,
Galadriel, Elrond, elfs,
balrogs, dwarfs and many more in the fantasy saga of the century.
USENET: alt.fan.tolkien
The Dragon Lance books are written by
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.
Their books are more of a traditional fantasy genre, where good
battles evil, with chivalry, dragons and fair ladies and where the
fights are many and glorious.
The Dragon Lance Chronicles:
Dragons of Autumn Twilight,
Dragons of Winter Night and
Dragons of Spring Dawning, tells
the story of a party destined to save the world from the evil god and
restore balance once more. We will meet
the leader,
the big strong fighter,
Raistlin, a powerful mage and Carmons twin brother,
Tasselhoff, the notorious thief,
Kitiara, and many more.
The Dragon Lance Legends:
Time of the Twins,
War of the Twins and
Test of the Twins, tell a tale of the two twins Raistlin and
Caramon. Raistlin have set his mind on challenging the dark queen and take her
place as god. Ofcause we will also meet many friends from the first
Want to know more, then check out the
alt.fan.dragonlance newsgroups
where both Weis and Hickman post on a semi regular basis.
There are
numerous books
written in the Dragon Lance world, some written by Margaret Weis or Tracy
Hickman and some by new writers. One to be mentioned here should be
Richard A. Knaak, who has among other things written a Dragon Lance book called
Huma, I
have read some other novels by him and he is a fabulous writer.
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman has also written the "Darksword
Trilogy" and the "Rose of the Prophet" trilogy, where the latter will
take you to a new and different scene, the arabic deserts.
Pictures related to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.
Wanderlust for
every true Kender.
Margaret Edith
was born on March 16th 1948 in Independence MO, Married
to Robert William Baldwin on August 22 1970 (divorced 1982). She's got two
children, David William and Elizabeth Lynn.
Mail to "mag7" or try some of the following:
mweis@wise-net.com or
Tracy Raye
Hickman was born on November
26th 1955 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Married to Laura Curtis (an Author) on June 17 1977. Children is Angel
Dawn and Curtis Raye.
Hickman can also be reach at:
By Eddings I have read
"The Belgariad" pentalogy and "The Malloreon
pentalogy. In these books we are introduced to a very intriguing
character cast which makes these books so enjoyable. Garion, later
Belgarion, our hero, Belgarath, a famous sorcerer and grandfather of
Garion, Polgara, the famous daughter of Belgarath, Silke, the
notorious thief, swindler and richest businessman in the world,
Errand, the mysterious orphan boy and many more.
David Eddings was born on July 7 1931
in Spokane WA, son of George Wayne and Thoene (Berge) Eddings. Married iwth
Judith Leigh Schall on October 27 1962.
He attended Everett Junior College 1950-52; Reed Collage B.A. 1954; University
of Washington, Seattle, M.A. 1961.
His current status is 'Writer' but has previously worked as a buyer for
Boeing Co., a grovery clerk and as a English teacher.
Served in the U.S. Army during 1954-56.
USENET: alt.fan.eddings
Feist has written some of the very
best fantasybooks I've every read.
His first book "Magician" will tell you the story of a war between
two worlds. In this book you will meet, Pug, a lone boy and a magician
to be, Lyam, Martin and Arutha a royal family trying to unite the world.
Kulgan, Pug's mentor and Macro, the mysterious magician.
In the two following books, "Silverthorn" and "A Darkness at Sethanon",
the world again faces a even greater danger than during the Riftwar. Once
again our heroes set out to save the world (how unusual for a fantasy
book). In the last two books, "Prince of the Blood" and "Faerie Tale",
the second and third generation of the royal family, again sets to
rescue the world of a dangerous peril that threatens to destroy the
world as we know it.
What I like about Feists books are
his characters and the way they are
treated and presented to us. They bickering among themself in a
friendly way that makes them more natural. I really recommend his books.
Vicente Segrelles is a Spanish
painter who has made the
books. These books are actually oil painted comics about the
adventures of Mercenario, our great hero. The world is a traditional
fantasy world with brave heroes, sorcery, dragons, beasts and
many fair ladies who are in dire need of rescue. Everything drawn
with an increadible way which make every picture look almost
like a real
As far as I know Segrelles has at least finished 6 stories:
The Cult of the Sacred Fire,
The Formula,
The Trials,
The Sacrifice,
The Black Globe and
The Fortress.
More Vincente Segrelles info.
Amazon info
Boris Vallejo
The Fantasy painter ever. "Seeing
is beleving..."
Here are a few examples of his
outstanding work of art...
Check this Vallejo
archive for more pictures.
If your lucky then try this
Other resources
My sf-page.
Some known fantasy-related
Jeff Grubb at jgrubb@mag7.com
Richard A. Knaak http://www.greyware.com/authors/knaak/
Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman
From here you can reach some of my
favourite fantasy-movies.
Outstanding fantasy page from
On the Internet top 100 SF/Fantasy
A danish fantasy store named
Official site of

Ola Mårtensson:http://www.df.lth.se/~ola
Time-stamp: <2012-10-23 13:54:10 ola>