(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 2 278 609
Average successful requests per day: 73 505
Successful requests for pages: 392 815
Average successful requests for pages per day: 12 671
Data transferred: 88.024 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 2.839 Gbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the top 15 domains by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: domain -------: ------: ------ 2048361: 97.32%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 82604: 0.91%: .net (Network) 63749: 0.78%: .com (Commercial) 55382: 0.69%: .se (Sweden) 5274: 0.02%: .edu (USA Educational) 2899: 0.02%: .us (United States) 2048: 0.02%: .ca (Canada) 1732: 0.02%: .fi (Finland) 1608: 0.01%: .au (Australia) 1391: 0.02%: .uk (United Kingdom) 1174: 0.01%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 1036: 0.02%: .de (Germany) 1019: 0.02%: .no (Norway) 966: 0.02%: .fr (France) 879: 0.01%: .es (Spain) 8487: 0.11%: [not listed: 75 domains]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the top 25 directories by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: directory ------: ------: --------- 769813: 3.41%: /~spock/ 213784: 3.00%: /~fernbom/ 206568: 9.46%: /~triad/ 169119: 1.39%: /~mikaelb/ 151173: 12.43%: /~roubert/ 127977: 0.75%: /~cato/ 52822: 1.20%: /~thanisa/ 48803: 0.64%: /~ola/ 31065: 0.52%: /~mehinger/ 28948: 0.37%: /~kanstrup/ 23230: 0.83%: /~micke/ 23083: 0.67%: /~hans/ 21459: 0.28%: /~bengt/ 21445: 0.70%: /~arnholm/ 20672: 0.19%: /~burntbit/ 20488: 0.50%: /~ozzie/ 19402: 0.06%: /~john_e/ 18213: 0.57%: /~cml/ 17119: 21.80%: /~el/ 15952: : /icons/ 14404: 0.04%: /img/ 13908: 0.44%: /~ghost/ 13841: 0.17%: /~beaker/ 13404: 0.38%: /~afro/ 13244: 0.08%: /~snorkelf/ 208673: 40.12%: [not listed: 369 directories]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the top 50 files by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: file -------: ------: ---- 52268: 0.04%: /~spock/lycka.html 6020: 0.20%: /~triad/artiklar/yelah9-3.html 5287: 0.04%: / 5107: 0.02%: /~mikaelb/pocketcalc-enu.shtml 4504: : /~spock/top.html 3958: 0.02%: /~micke/annaworship.html 3880: : /~spock/menu2.html 3852: : /~spock/index2.html 2894: 0.04%: /~roubert/www.ollning.com/ 2818: 0.21%: /~fernbom/music/mods/mods.html 2582: 0.01%: /~mikaelb/statiscope/statiscope.shtml 2288: 0.01%: /~triad/triad/ 2259: 0.01%: /~mikaelb/aritm/aritm.shtml 2099: 0.01%: /~spock/newpic/test.html 1910: 0.01%: /~triad/ 1904: : /~fernbom/music/mods/ 1856: 0.13%: /~cml/scania/ 1826: : /~fernbom/music/mods/menu.html 1554: : /~spock/ 1424: 0.02%: /~triad/papers/Raymond_D00dz.html 1370: 0.01%: /~john_e/gems.html 1356: : /~cb/ 1278: : /~roubert/apk/ 1231: 0.59%: /~thanisa/recept/alpha/all.html 1178: : /~cato/nostalgia.html 1072: : http://prv.bustyasians.adultbouncer.com/ 1065: 0.01%: /~triad/book/ 1024: 0.09%: /~spock/wwwboard/wwwboard.html 967: : /~spock/billy/ 855: 0.06%: /~thanisa/recept/units_js.html 853: : /~fernbom/metallica/ 823: : /~lft/ti83/ 818: : /~spock/bodybilly/ 818: : /~spock/billy/main.html 809: : /~mikaelb/pocketcalc.shtml 804: : /~ozzie/Norum/ 799: : /~spock/billy/index2.html 792: : /~spock/xx.html 792: 0.08%: /~thanisa/recept/alpha/C.html 777: 0.06%: /~thanisa/recept/alpha/S.html 777: : /~spock/billy/bottom.html 776: : /~spock/billy/top.html 772: : /~roubert/ 753: 0.01%: /~arnholm/images/ 728: : /~triad/krad/gnomad/ 727: : /~cappentz/svensexa/Bild8.htm 717: 0.01%: /~ola/c64-dummies.html 711: : /~spock/billyboy/ 686: 0.05%: /~micke/s_earth.html 657: 0.13%: /~micke/wholemanifesto.html 2141534: 98.07%: [not listed: 100 546 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)