Private conversation

(Here follows a private discussion between Kai Larsen and Sir Manon Ehron. If you take part in the game either skip these parts or read them and remember to role-play you don't know what happened.)

When Kai leans against Manon, he can hear a voice which resembles Kai's,
yet somehow more alive, more animated.  It is higher in pitch than the
current Kai's, yet a good deal lower and more full than that of five
years hence when first they met. "Manon, I share your trepidation here,
yet I can see little we can do save wait.  Too, I think you place
perhaps too much importance on the rousting; recall that it was aimed
only at inns, at travellers, which are but a minuscule fraction of the
populace of Tix- I misdoubt me twere as crippling as you think.  I would
have some caution with the others; Kirion I know well and would trust
with many a deep secret, and yourself I know as an honourable man of
station, not the sort who would involve himself in some nefarious
scheme; yet the others I know not previous to this day.  This Aurel
seems a shifty sort, though perhaps too shifty seeming to be of any
worth in ferreting out secrets, the other Elf; Quill, though, has a
story I think unlikely in extremes, though tis well crafted in seeming
to one unstudied in the arts.  This Gwar seems too ready to stir up
trouble, and a patent outsider, which may all be thus an act to gain our
confidence.  Mac, now, would make a classic mole, howe'er; tough enough,
relatively nondescript, prepared to fit into any plan we may hatch; and
immediately questioning the motives of the roundup would seem to place
him outside the role of apologist..."
Return to the cell

Telepathic conversation

(Here follows a private discussion between Kai Larsen and Sir Manon Ehron. If you take part in the game either
skip these parts or read them and remember to role-play you don't know what happened.)
As Manon returns to his seat, Kai leans in again, ostensibly to offer
his ear for a moment's private conversation.  Manon can again feel the
pressure of Kai's hand and dagger hilt against his hip, and "hears" the
voice in his mind interrupt "Just think what you mean to say, no need to
whisper it.  As long as you mean me to hear, I will, when we are
touching thus." Kai then shifts back in his seat while looking over at
the door again, as if the whispered conversation is over- but still in
contact with the Count...

Although a bit startled to this new and more melodious voice of
Kai's, Manon speaks as he returns to his seat. "On second thought I
would believe we are placed here together that we might get to know
each other and then maybe be used in some kind of way. I have no
idea of what it might include or where it might lead. But I am glad
at least I now have two more people I can trust apart from myself."

Making a brief pause to look at the other imprisoned men Manon
returns his attention to the Hawk. "A share your doubts about this
elf Quill. He seems awfully concerned about this spy thing, which I
think is a smoke screen for something else. I come to think of cheap
magician who would try to delude your attention for him you play his
trick, even if this was a very expensive diversion, ever we find out
the reasons." 

"Yes, and yet I see no spells being cast save his attempt at identifying
my Lucky" interjects Kai.

After another brief pause. "I will not judge the other
yet... but I truly dislike this smelly barbarian who claims to be a
warrior of valour. Never I have seen or heard of a valorous
barbarian." Now a longer pause.

Kai takes advantage of the pause to comment "He may be valorous, yet he
is either a dolt or has no honour, for surely he should have answered my
insult with a duel!  I intended such, for as I understand his customs, a
defeat would have placed him in my command, while if he were somehow to
defeat me, he would be forced to treat me with respect for having
fought, as a valued underling rather than some meaningless thrall.
Perhaps I am mistaken regarding this, or else he is either an outcast
for lack of such honour or courage, or not what he seems at all!"

Manon continues "Once again I share your opinion,
why only rake the inns for travellers? There is something more than
meets the eye. But I can not put my finger on it now..." here he
trails off in his own thoughts.

Kai replies wordlessly "Why indeed?" then breaks into speech for all:
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