Private conversation

(Here follows a private discussion between Kai Larsen and Sir Manon Ehron. If you take part in the game either skip these parts or read them and remember to role-play you don't know what happened.)

As the black clad man leans in so close his hilt digs into his leg,
Manon can barely hear him whisper "nithfa ralthi aga ils caat" while the
baritone voice he have heard before in his head queries "And did you as
well have Beren fetch provisions for my horse, my captain?  Else I shall
have to pause where I would rather make haste."  The rich speech holds
an amused yet sincere tone, again contrasting with the Bass monotone of
Kai's speaking voice.

Answering, thinking, Manon replies "Kai, my dear Kai. Either I am 
getting old and forgetful or... " sighing deeply the count continues 
"No, the answer is no and I should have know better. Beren have not 
bought provisions for yer horse. And I dare not trust Quill to 
provide for our horses as well as for us all."

Calling out to for Beren to come closer the count orders Beren 
"Beren, fast and go not inside the gates, get provisions for our good 
Kai's horse"

Again turning towards Kai the golden circlet around Manon's 
head glitters in the bright blue sky "Dax, what do you make of him? 
And the price, is it negotiated already?"


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