VMODE.CMD - A CP/M-86 Color Screen Mode Changer Freeware from Kirk Lawrence February, 1994 VMODE is a convenient way to switch the color video system between 40- and 80-column mode (if you should, for some reason, want to do that). To change to 40-column mode, type: VMODE 40 ...and press the ENTER key. To change to 80-column mode, type: VMODE 80 ...and press the ENTER key. VMODE 40 switches CGA and EGA video to 40 x 25 text mode; VGA video is switched to 360 x 400 graphics mode. Foreground and background screen colors are preserved following a mode change. However, border color is not; the border is set to black. If you invoke VMODE with a missing or unsupported command line argument, a synopsis of the proper syntax is displayed on the screen. If you find this program helpful, you may use it at no charge. As is always the case with "freeware," there are no guarantees whatsoever. You voluntarily choose to use VMODE.CMD strictly and entirely at your own risk and peril. Your use of VMODE.CMD shall be deemed prima facie evidence under law that you under- stand and accept these terms and conditions.