LINE.CMD - A Utility To Turn The CP/M-86 Status Line Off And On Freeware from Kirk Lawrence The status line at the bottom of the CP/M-86 screen is a "feature" which I sometimes prefer to do without. LINE.CMD is a convenient solution. It quickly and easily makes the status line go away, or come back again. To get rid of the status line, type: LINE OFF ...then press the ENTER key. To bring back the status line, type: LINE ON ...then press the ENTER key. If you neglect to type the command-line argument "OFF" or "ON"...or if you type anything other than those words...a message reminding you of the pro- per syntax appears on the screen. If you find this program helpful, feel free to use it. As is always the case with "freeware," there are no guarantees; you voluntarily choose to use LINE.CMD entirely at your own risk and peril. Your use of LINE.CMD shall be prima facie evidence under law that you understand and accept these terms and conditions.