BORDER.CMD - A CP/M-86 Utility To Change The Border Color On A CGA Monitor Freeware from Kirk Lawrence Version 0.1 BORDER is a quick and easy way to set or change your CGA monitor's border color. At the prompt, just type BORDER x ...and press the ENTER key. The "x" command-line parameter represents a letter which corresponds to the border color you wish to set. Here's the table of colors: A - Blue I - Bright Blue B - Green J - Bright Green C - Cyan K - Bright Cyan D - Red L - Bright Red E - Magenta M - Bright Magenta F - Brown N - Yellow G - White O - Bright White H - Gray P - Black For example: to set your CGA monitor's border color to red, you'd type BORDER D ...and then press the ENTER key. As you can see from the table above, the letter D represents the color red. The letter may be typed in either upper- or lower-case. If you type an erroneous command-line argument...or if you invoke the progam with NO command-line argument...BORDER will display the table, above, on the screen. You can use it as a built-in "help" screen. NOTE: BORDER will have no effect if used with EGA or VGA color video systems. Generally, the border of an EGA or VGA color screen cannot be illuminated. BORDER may have a partial effect on MCGA video systems. BORDER, when first invoked, checks the active video adaptor. If a Herc com- patible or MDA monochrome video adaptor is found, the program will abort with an appropriate error message. On dual color/monochrome systems, BORDER will function normally when the CGA color video adapter is active. If you find BORDER.CMD helpful, you may use it at no charge. However, as is always the case with "freeware," there are no warrantees whatsoever. If you use BORDER.CMD, you do so entirely at your own risk and peril. Your use of BORDER.CMD shall be deemed prima facie evidence under law that you understand and accept these terms and conditions.