PRT.CMD - CP/M-86 Printer Controller For Epson-Compatible Dot-Matrix Printers. Freeware from Kirk Lawrence (January 1994) PRT.CMD allows you to send commands to your Epson-compatible dot-matrix printer from the keyboard. This full-screen program lets you quickly change fonts and print densities, advance the paper, and control various printer attributes quickly and easily, without having to mess with physical buttons and switches on the printer...and without having to deal with BASIC. PRT is universally video-compatible. The program displays in color on a color video system, yet is also 100% compatible with all monochrome video systems. NOTE: In order for PRT to work correctly, your printer must understand Epson FX commands. Most printers manufactured in recent years accept the Epson command set...or can be set to Epson emulation. See your printer's manual for details. If your printer doesn't respond correctly to some of the options, the printer may not be 100% Epson-compatible. Some Tandy brand printers and some older Okidata brand printers will not work properly with PRT. FURTHER NOTE: Be sure your printer's power is on, and the printer is on line, before booting PRT. As PRT initially loads, it sends a "beep" to the printer as a pseudo-test for readiness. If your printer isn't ready, CP/M-86 will generate an error message on the status line. Correct the problem, then R(etry). If your printer is off line, PRT will generate an error message on the screen, telling you to put the printer ON line...and will not proceed until you do so. Once PRT has loaded and the screen is displayed, it "turns off" further video display for aesthetic reasons. So if a printer error should develop while PRT is active, you'll hear the CP/M-86 audio signal, but no error message will appear on the screen. In the rare event this should happen, try blindly pressing the R key (for "retry") a few times, then press the ESC key to exit the program. If this doesn't get you out, simply reboot your computer by pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL. Or you can always turn off the com- puter's power switch, then turn it back on again. TO RUN THE PROGRAM: At the prompt, type PRT then press the ENTER key. PRT is extremely intuitive and easy-to-use. When the program has loaded, you're presented with a menu of options on the screen. Just press the LETTER key which corresponds to the action or attribute you wish to implement, and it's immediately done. Pressing a key other than any of the ones presented on the menu has no effect. Press the ESC key to exit the program. You may issue any number of compatible commands; the effects are cumulative. For instance, you could activate italics on, then expanded print on, then emphasized print on, then boldface print on, then underline on...and all these attributes would be manifested when you printed text to the printer. If you're not familiar with these various printing capabilities, please READ THE MANUAL which came with your printer! While teaching you about printer control is beyond the scope of this documen- tation, here are a few basics to keep in mind: * Activating Pica cancels Elite, and vice-versa. * On most 9-pin printers and some 24-pin printers, Letter-quality mode will only work when Pica font is active. Changing to Elite font will usually cancel NLQ mode on these machines. * Activating Subscript cancels Superscript, and vice-versa. * Activating 6 lines/inch cancels 8 lines/inch, and vice-versa. * RESET cancels ALL attributes, and returns the printer to factory defaults (usually Pica font in draft mode). Use RESET whenever you want to "start over" with all new attributes. This CP/M-86 implementation of PRT lacks a few of the less-essential features which were included in the MS-DOS version. This was strictly arbitrary on my part, because CP/M-86 assembler source code is such a pain in the patoot to write. The source code is a bit "kludge-y," and is therefore not released to public scrutiny and scorn! Nonetheless, PRT works beautifully...and is about the most comprehensive and sophisticated printer controller software you're ever likely to find for the CP/M-86 platform. So experiment, and have fun! If you find this program helpful, you may use it at no charge. As is always the case with "freeware," there are no guarantees whatsoever. You voluntarily elect to use PRT.CMD strictly and entirely at your own risk and peril. Your use of PRT.CMD shall be deemed prima facie evidence under law that you have read, have understood, and have agreed to abide by, these terms and conditions.