LABEL Version 0.2 - Quick & Easy Four-Line Label Printer Freeware from Kirk Lawrence LABEL prints up to four lines of text on 3.5" x 15/16" pin-fed labels, using an Epson-compatible dot-matrix printer. The program is designed for IBM-compatible computers, running "CP/M-86 for the IBM PC/XT, Version 1.1" (or higher). LABEL makes extensive use of high-ASCII characters, as well as CP/M-86 "escape" sequences for color and cursor positioning. It may not work with other (non-IBM-compatible) permutations of CP/M-86. LABEL will NOT work with Concurrent CP/M-86 or CP/M-86+. LABEL is a fairly sophisticated full-screen program, yet it's quick and easy to use. In fact, it's so simple and totally intuitive that complete written instructions aren't really necessary. Just run the program. If you can read English, you can use LABEL. All instructions, prompts for input, etc., are displayed in a "dialogue box" near the bottom of the screen. Simply read and respond to what's displayed in the dialogue box, and you'll do fine. LABEL displays in full color on a color video system, yet is 100% compat- ible with Herc and MDA monochrome video systems. A few user notes: * LABEL initially asks you what print density you want to use: Normal, Emphasized or Bold. Press N, E or B to indicate your choice. "Normal" is standard Pica draft-mode print, "Emphasized" is slightly darker, and "Bold" is very dark print (darker than the standard Epson "boldface" print density). * You're prompted to select the print density each time you begin a new label. LABEL resets the printer every time a new label is all previously-set print characteristics are destroyed. This is done to insure that LABEL starts off with a "clean slate" for each label, and "knows" exactly what print characteristics it's dealing with. * All printer codes are "hard-wired" into the program, so your printer MUST be 100% Epson-compatible in order for LABEL to work correctly. * Each line of label text is limited to 30 characters (the number that will fit comfortably onto a 3.5" label, using the standard Pica font). * Press the ENTER key at the end of each line of text that you type in. But if you happen to type a line containing exactly 30 characters, the the cursor will automatically go to the next pressing ENTER isn't necessary, in that case. * To "skip" a line in the label, just press ENTER without typing anything on that line. * High-ASCII characters can NOT be entered. Only the normal keyboard alpha-numeric characters will be accepted. * Editing capabilities are limited to the BACKSPACE key. Use BACKSPACE to back up and correct any typing errors you've made on the current line. DON'T try to use DOS-style editing keys (ARROW keys, HOME, END, PGUP, PGDN, DEL, INS, etc.)...they won't work, and they'll put garbage on your label. * Once you've pressed ENTER and have moved to the next line, you can NOT go back to a previous line to make changes. If you later find a mistake in the text you've already entered, you'll have to re-do the entire label. * When you're prompted to enter the number of labels you want to print, entering "0" will immediately take you to the "Do another label (Y/N)?" prompt. This can be handy if you discover an error in the label text before you've begun printing, and need to re-do the label. * You may "quick-exit" the program by pressing the ESC key in response to any request for input in the dialogue box. This applies ONLY to requested responses in the dialogue box...NOT when you're entering label text. The ESC key will NOT cause the program to exit when you're typing in text for the label! * There is no provision for "saving" a label to a disk file, and later re-loading it. LABEL is strictly a "one-shot" label printing program. Revision history: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 0.0 - Initial release. Displayed in black-and-white only. Allowed printing only up to 9 copies of each label. Version 0.1 - Implemented full color (totally monochrome-compatible). Increased the allowed number of printed labels to 99. Program now disables the printer's "skip-the-paper- perforation" feature, in order to allow printing of a larger number of continuous labels (this feature is restored when the program exits). Version 0.2 - Implemented direct-write to video memory to paint the user screen, thereby dramatically increasing the speed (color/monochrome compatibility is retained). Added more trapping of spurious key-presses. LABEL.CMD is free. As is always the case with "freeware," there are no guarantees whatsoever. If you use the program, you do so entirely at your own risk and peril. Your use of LABEL.CMD shall be prima facie evidence under law that you understand and accept these terms and conditions.