; ; WSKEYS.A86 - Version 0.0 ; Freeware from Kirk Lawrence ; ; Re-programs the IBM-compatible's keypad keys for use with WordStar/86. ; Makes WordStar function more like a DOS-style text editor/word processor. ; ; Each function has been kept separate (rather than using a big, long string ; to re-program all the keys at once) so that changes will be easier to make. ; Refer to the CP/M-86 users manual for information on key reassignment. ; ; To compile: ASM86 WSKEYS ; GENCMD WSKEYS ; dseg ;start of data segment org 100h ;leave room for base page esc equ 1Bh ;ESC equate up db esc,':H',5,0,'$' ;WordStar function ^E down db esc,':P',24,0,'$' ;WordStar function ^X left db esc,':K',19,7,0,'$' ;WordStar function DEL right db esc,':M',4,0,'$' ;WordStar function ^D pgup db esc,':I',18,0,'$' ;WordStar function ^R pgdn db esc,':Q',3,0,'$' ;WordStar function ^C del db esc,':S',7,0,'$' ;WordStar function ^G ins db esc,':R',22,0,'$' ;WordStar function ^V home db esc,':G',17,83,0,'$' ;WordStar function ^QS eend db esc,':O',17,68,0,'$' ;WordStar function ^QD msg db 13,10,'WSKEYS Version 0.0 - Re-Program The IBM Keypad' db ' Keys For WordStar/86' db 13,10,'Freeware from Kirk Lawrence',13,10,'$' ; cseg ;start of code segment jmp start print: ;print-string routine mov cl,9 int 224 ret start: mov dx,offset up call print mov dx,offset down call print mov dx,offset left call print mov dx,offset right call print mov dx,offset pgup call print mov dx,offset pgdn call print mov dx,offset del call print mov dx,offset ins call print mov dx,offset home call print mov dx,offset eend call print mov dx,offset msg call print xor cx,cx ;function 0 - reset system int 224 ;call BDOS end ;that's it!