SD Version 4.8C - Enhanced Directory Displayer For CP/M-86 by H.M. Van Tassell, 120 Hill Hollow Rd, Watchung, NJ 07060 - 03/29/85 Adapted from SUPER DIRECTORY PROGRAM by Bruce R. Ratoff Based on DIRS by Keith Petersen, W8SDZ Displays the directory of a CP/M-86 disk (including hard disk), sorted alpha- betically, with the file size in K, rounded to the nearest CP/M-86 block size. Usage: SD dr:FILENAME.TYP [option,option...] NOTE: Bracket character  MUST be included in order for the program to recognize any options! Drive and/or filespec are optional. Wildcards * and ? allowed. => For help, type SD // Options Are: A=Show DIR Of All User Areas D=All Disks (A:, B:, C:) F=Save Directory List To File "SD.DIR" L=Show Contents Of Library (.LBR) Files N=No Paging P=Send Directory List To Printer R=Reset Disk Drive S=Show System Files T=Sort by Type Un=User No. V=Version