; ; COMSET.A86 Version 0.1 - Forces BIOS Recognition Of COM Ports 3 And 4. ; Freeware by David Macchia ; Ported to CP/M-86 from MS-DOS by Kirk Lawrence ; cseg org 100h jmp start ; msg db 10,13,'COMSET Version 0.1 - Force BIOS Recognition Of COM Ports 3 And 4' db 10,13,'Freeware from David Macchia. CP/M-86 version by Kirk Lawrence.',10,13 db 10,13,'Í COM3 and COM4 are now installed.',10,13,'$' ; start: mov cl,9 mov dx,offset msg int 224 mov dx,0040h mov ds,dx mov dx,03E8h mov bx,0004h mov [bx],dx mov dx,02E8h mov bx,0006h mov [bx],dx mov bx,0011h mov dx,[bx] and dx,0FFF0h or dx,0008h mov [bx],dx xor cx,cx int 224 end