title 'Epson High Resolution' DGROUP GROUP DATA dseg public xdpi, ydpi, xsiz, ysiz, xcor, ccap copyright db 'Epson 120 x 144' db '08 Feb 84 GSX-86' db 'V1.3 Serial No.' db '0000-0000-654321' db 'Digital Research' ; File ZCAPFXHR.A86 ; Epson FX-80/MX-80 Printer, Double Density, interlaced output ; 8 Pin Graphics with n/144 vertical line spacing capability ; Top dot of the print wire corresponds to the MSB bit ; Bottom dot corresponds to the LSB bit ; Resolution : 120 dpi Horizontal x 144 dpi Vertical ; Plot Size : 8.00 x 10.35 inches ; 960 Horizontal dots (120 dots per inch x 8.0 inches) and ; 1488 Vertical dots (144 dots per inch x 10.35 inches) ; Set the Length of each axis in Pixels dxlng equ 959 ; 120 (pixels per Horizontal inch) x 8.00 inches dylng equ 1487 ; 144 (pixels per Vertical Inch) x 10.35 inches pxsiz EQU 212 ; Size per Pixel width = 1/120 x 254 x 100 pysiz EQU 176 ; SIZE PER PIXEL HIGHT = 1/144 x 254 x 100 cor EQU 2 ; No. of Predefined Colors xdpi dw dxlng ydpi dw dylng xsiz dw pxsiz ysiz dw pysiz xcor dw cor ccap dw 0 ; (Monochrome ) No Color Capability cseg end