LINKVorheriges Verzeichnis
LINKINDEX  (Jun 6 11:44, 4 KB)
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LINKbootdmv  (Okt 14 1997, 272 KB)
This ZIP file contains boot disk images for the NCR DMV computer. Both CP/M-80, and CP/M-86 images are presented.
LINKcalutils  (Apr 24 1998, 16 KB)
Some disk patching utilities for the CAL-PC
LINKcpm86-11  (Sep 22 1997, 100 KB)
I have been told that the above copy of CP/M-86 is missing the file CPM.SYS. Here is a copy that has this file.
LINKcpm86-bt  (Sep 22 1997, 236 KB)
Here is a small CP/M-86 implementation for the IBM/PC.
LINKcpm86  (Aug 17 1999, 116 KB)
CP/M-86 binary. Version # unknown.
LINKcpm8680r  (Sep 22 1997, 176 KB)
Here is a combo : CP/M-86, and CP/M 80 (v2.2?) for the DEC Rainbow 100 computer.
LINKcpm86b  (Jan 3 1998, 248 KB)
Here is a bootable version of CP/M-86 for 1.44mb floppies. It has a copy of CopyQM with it.
LINKeaglecpm  (Jan 18 1998, 264 KB)
CP/M-86 for the Eagle computer. Use CopyQM to restore disk image. Disk format unknown.

Autogeneriert von FTP-Index Version 6.5 am Don Jun 6 11:44:54 CEST 2002.

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