DISK3.DOC Developer Kit Disk 3 - UNIX-like Utilities (part 2), CP/M 68K Tools, Special Utilities, and Code Sample 6 August 1986 CDOS 68K ver. 1.2 _______________________________________________________________________________ This disk contains the following programming tools and sample code: Subdirectory Explanation U_TOOLS Remainder of the UNIX-like tools. Documented in the PROGRAMMER'S UTILITIES GUIDE SUPPLEMENT. TOOLS CP/M 68K programming tools; requires the CP/M 68k front-end be present. The utilities COMBINE and EXPAND are CDOS native mode utilities that are useful for conserving disk space used to store small files. The typical naming convention is to give COMBINE'd files the extension ARC. All of these programs are documented in the PROGRAMMER'S UTILITIES GUIDE. SAMPLE Some of the Window Manager source is provided as an example of a program that implements windowing tech- niques, message passing, and process creation. In addition to the files listed in the release note the following files are included in the SAMPLE subdirectory: CCUTLS.H UTLERRS.H