title 'System Control Block Definition for CP/M3 BIOS' public @civec, @covec, @aivec, @aovec, @lovec, @bnkbf public @crdma, @crdsk, @vinfo, @resel, @fx, @usrcd public @mltio, @ermde, @erdsk, @media, @bflgs public @date, @hour, @min, @sec, ?erjmp, @mxtpa scb$base equ 0FE00H ; Base of the SCB @CIVEC equ scb$base+22h ; Console Input Redirection ; Vector (word, r/w) @COVEC equ scb$base+24h ; Console Output Redirection ; Vector (word, r/w) @AIVEC equ scb$base+26h ; Auxiliary Input Redirection ; Vector (word, r/w) @AOVEC equ scb$base+28h ; Auxiliary Output Redirection ; Vector (word, r/w) @LOVEC equ scb$base+2Ah ; List Output Redirection ; Vector (word, r/w) @BNKBF equ scb$base+35h ; Address of 128 Byte Buffer ; for Banked BIOS (word, r/o) @CRDMA equ scb$base+3Ch ; Current DMA Address ; (word, r/o) @CRDSK equ scb$base+3Eh ; Current Disk (byte, r/o) @VINFO equ scb$base+3Fh ; BDOS Variable "INFO" ; (word, r/o) @RESEL equ scb$base+41h ; FCB Flag (byte, r/o) @FX equ scb$base+43h ; BDOS Function for Error ; Messages (byte, r/o) @USRCD equ scb$base+44h ; Current User Code (byte, r/o) @MLTIO equ scb$base+4Ah ; Current Multi-Sector Count ; (byte,r/w) @ERMDE equ scb$base+4Bh ; BDOS Error Mode (byte, r/o) @ERDSK equ scb$base+51h ; BDOS Error Disk (byte,r/o) @MEDIA equ scb$base+54h ; Set by BIOS to indicate ; open door (byte,r/w) @BFLGS equ scb$base+57h ; BDOS Message Size Flag (byte,r/o) @DATE equ scb$base+58h ; Date in Days Since 1 Jan 78 ; (word, r/w) @HOUR equ scb$base+5Ah ; Hour in BCD (byte, r/w) @MIN equ scb$base+5Bh ; Minute in BCD (byte, r/w) @SEC equ scb$base+5Ch ; Second in BCD (byte, r/w) ?ERJMP equ scb$base+5Fh ; BDOS Error Message Jump ; (word, r/w) @MXTPA equ scb$base+62h ; Top of User TPA ; (address at 6,7)(word, r/o) end