Z80 fig-FORTH Line Editor Commands ---------------------------------- B Back cursor to the beginning of the string in the PAD. C Spread text at cursor to insert the following string. Characters pushed off the end of the line are lost. D n --- Delete the nth line and move subsequent lines 1 up. The deleted line is held in the PAD. E n --- Erase the nth line by filling it with 64 blanks. F Find the first occurrence of the following text string. H n --- Copy the nth line to the PAD and hold it there. I n --- Insert text from PAD into line n. Shift the original nth and sub- sequent lines down 1 line. The original line 15 is lost. L Re-list the screen being edited. M n --- Move cursor n characters. N Find the next occurence of the text already in the PAD. P n --- Put the following text on line n. Write over its old contents. R n --- Replace the nth line with the text stored in the PAD. S n --- Spread line n with blanks. Shift the original line n and subse- quent lines down 1 line. The original line 15 is lost. T n --- Type line n of the current screen and copy it to the PAD. X Delete the following text from the current line. CLEAR n --- Clear screen n by filling it with blanks and make it current. COPY n1 n2 --- Copy screen n1 to screen n2. DELETE n --- Delete n characters in front of the cursor. Move the text from the end of the line to fill up the space. Fill with blanks at the end of the line. FIND Search the entire screen for the string stored in the PAD and move the cursor to the end of the string. Issue an error message if the search failed. TILL Delete all characters from the cursor location up to the end of the following text string. TOP Move the cursor to the leftmost position at line 0. TS Type Screen. Useful for finding hidden NULL characters which would prematurely end compilation. If line numbers at the right don't line up, retype the line or use E command if line is empty.