Size Recs Bytes Ext Acc 0 0 0k 1 R/W E:%DISC.DOC 17 17 3k 1 R/O E:CONPRTIO.FTH 38 38 5k 1 R/O E:DISCIO.FTH 18 18 3k 1 R/O E:EDITOR.DOC 1441 537 58k 6 R/O E:SCREENS.FRT 64 64 8k 1 R/O E:STARTUP.FRT 52 52 7k 1 R/O E:Z80FORTH.COM 16 16 2k 1 R/O E:Z80FORTH.UPD 425 425 54k 4 R/O E:Z80FORTH.Z80 %DISC .DOC this text CONPRTIO.FTH Z80 fig-FORTH console driver (*include file) DISCIO .FTH Z80 fig-FORTH disc driver (*include file) EDITOR .DOC fig-FORTH editor commands SCREENS .FRT misc. screens, EDITOR from SCR #7. ASSEMBLER from SCR #13. MODEM7 from SCR # 18. Random access file, copy to empty disc prior to use. STARTUP .FRT more screens Z80FORTH.COM Z80 fig-FORTH 1.1g Z80FORTH.UPD Deviations from Installation Manual Z80FORTH.Z80 Source, *include-s CONPRTIO.FTH & DISCIO.FTH Invoke the desired screens file at CCP level, e.g. A>Z80FORTH B:SCREENS.FRT