/* xlbind - xlisp symbol binding routines */ #ifdef AZTEC #include "a:stdio.h" #else #include "stdio.h" #endif #include "xlisp.h" /* global variables */ struct node *xlenv; /* xlunbind - unbind symbols bound in this environment */ xlunbind(env) struct node *env; { struct node *bnd; /* unbind each symbol in the environment chain */ for (; xlenv != env; xlenv = xlenv->n_listnext) { bnd = xlenv->n_listvalue; bnd->n_bndsym->n_symvalue = bnd->n_bndvalue; } } /* xlbind - bind a symbol to a value */ xlbind(sym,val) struct node *sym,*val; { struct node *lptr,*bptr; /* create a new environment list entry */ lptr = newnode(LIST); lptr->n_listnext = xlenv; xlenv = lptr; /* create a new variable binding */ lptr->n_listvalue = bptr = newnode(LIST); bptr->n_bndsym = sym; bptr->n_bndvalue = val; } /* xlfixbindings - make a new set of bindings visible */ xlfixbindings(env) struct node *env; { struct node *eptr,*bnd,*sym,*oldvalue; /* fix the bound value of each symbol in the environment chain */ for (eptr = xlenv; eptr != env; eptr = eptr->n_listnext) { bnd = eptr->n_listvalue; sym = bnd->n_bndsym; oldvalue = sym->n_symvalue; sym->n_symvalue = bnd->n_bndvalue; bnd->n_bndvalue = oldvalue; } }