PROGRAM pasfft; { Copied from Apple disks on 14 May, 1983. Original written in Sept, 1980 } CONST twopi=6.283185; max=256; TYPE data=ARRAY[1..2,1..max] OF real; VAR x:data; c:real; i:integer; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*) PROCEDURE easy(VAR a:data;n:integer); (* fft procedure with a two dimensional data array and n is the size of the array *) CONST pi=3.1415926; VAR i,j,l,lim1,lim2,lim3,m,r:integer; arg,a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2,cs,cs1,cstep,si,si1,sstep:real; BEGIN r:=round(ln(n)/ln(2.0)); lim1:=n-1; lim2:=n DIV 2; j:=1; (* begin shuffle *) FOR i:=1 TO lim1 DO BEGIN IF i