MODULE erahs; {********************************************************************* * SHARE * * Date Author * * 04-October-82 Sue Arnold * * * * This is a super-duper procedure that will open the file of your * * choice in UNLOCKED mode! Just send it the file descriptor, the * * file name, and it will open the file and return the file ID * * number that you need to have in order to lock and unlock * * records. * *********************************************************************} {**************************************************************** * follows is the format for the Pascal MT+ file information * * block (FIB). It was modified for Ver 5.5 to include file * * option type "fauxio". * ****************************************************************} TYPE string15 = STRING[15]; dum_rec = RECORD dumb : BYTE; END; dum_type = FILE OF dum_rec; VAR bufsize : INTEGER; {default value = 1} EXTERNAL PROCEDURE uset (VAR ufile: dum_type; bufsize: INTEGER; VAR file_ID: INTEGER); {**************************************************************** * Procedure SHARE starts here: * ****************************************************************} PROCEDURE share (VAR ufile : dum_type; VAR filename : string15; VAR file_ID : INTEGER); BEGIN ASSIGN(ufile, filename); uset (ufile, bufsize, file_ID); END; { procedure share } MODEND.