program least3; { --> 209 } { Pascal program to perform a linear least-squares fit } { with Gauss-Jordan routine } { Sperate modules needed: GAUSSJ, PLOT } const maxr = 20; { data prints } maxc = 4; { polynomial terms } type ary = array[1..maxr] of real; arys = array[1..maxc] of real; ary2 = array[1..maxr,1..maxc] of real; ary2s = array[1..maxc,1..maxc] of real; var x,y,y_calc : ary; resid : ary; coef,sig : arys; nrow,ncol : integer; correl_coef : real; first,done : boolean; external procedure cls; procedure get_data(var x: ary; { independant variable } var y: ary; { dependant variable } var nrow: integer); { length of vectors } { get values for n and arrays x,y } var i : integer; begin nrow:=9; for i:=1 to nrow do x[i]:=i; y[1]:=2.07; y[2]:=8.6; y[3]:=14.42; y[4]:=15.8; y[5]:=18.92; y[6]:=17.96; y[7]:=12.98; y[8]:=6.45; y[9]:=0.27; end; { proceddure get data } procedure write_data; { print out the answers } var i : integer; begin if first then first:=false else cls; writeln; writeln; writeln(' I X Y YCALC RESID'); for i:=1 to nrow do writeln(i:3,x[i]:8:1,y[i]:9:2,y_calc[i]:9:2,resid[i]:9:2); writeln; writeln(' Coefficients errors '); writeln(coef[1],' ',sig[1],' Constant term'); for i:=2 to ncol do writeln(coef[i],' ',sig[i]); { other terms } writeln; writeln('Correlation coefficient is ',correl_coef:8:5) end; { write_data } {procedure square(x: ary2; y: ary; var a: ary2s; var g: arys; nrow,ncol: integer);} { matrix multiplication routine } { a= transpose x times x } { g= y times x } {$I SQUARE.LIB } {external procedure gaussj(var b: ary2s; y: arys; var coef: arys; ncol: integer; var error: boolean); } {$I GAUSSJ.LIB } procedure linfit(x, { independant variable } y: ary; { dependent variable } var y_calc: ary; { calculated dep. variable } var resid: ary; { array of residuals } var coef: arys; { coefficients } var sig: arys; { error on coefficients } nrow: integer; { length of array } var ncol: integer); { number of terms } { least squares fit to nrow sets of x and y pairs of points } { Seperate procedures needed: SQUARE -> form square coefficient matrix GAUSSJ -> Gauss-Jordan elimination } var xmatr : ary2; { data matrix } a : ary2s; { coefficient matrix } g : arys; { constant vector } error : boolean; i,j,nm : integer; xi,yi,yc,srs,see, sum_y,sum_y2 : real; begin { procedure linfit } for i:=1 to nrow do begin { setup matrix } xi:=x[i]; xmatr[i,1]:=1.0; { first column } for j:=2 to ncol do { other columns} xmatr[i,j]:=xmatr[i,j-1]*xi end; square(xmatr,y,a,g,nrow,ncol); gaussj(a,g,coef,ncol,error); sum_y:=0.0; sum_y2:=0.0; srs:=0.0; for i:=1 to nrow do begin yi:=y[i]; yc:=0.0; for j:=1 to ncol do yc:=yc+coef[j]*xmatr[i,j]; y_calc[i]:=yc; resid[i]:=yc-yi; srs:=srs+sqr(resid[i]); sum_y:=sum_y+yi; sum_y2:=sum_y2+yi*yi end; correl_coef:=sqrt(1.0-srs/(sum_y2-sqr(sum_y)/nrow)); if nrow=ncol then nm:=1 else nm:=nrow-ncol; see:=sqrt(srs/nm); for i:=1 to ncol do { errors on solution } sig[i]:=see*sqrt(a[i,i]) end; { linfit } {external procedure plot(x,y,z: ary; nrow: integer); } {$I C:PLOT.LIB } begin { main program } cls; first:=true; done:=false; writeln; get_data(x,y,nrow); repeat repeat write('Order of polynomial fit? '); readln(ncol) until ncol<5; if ncol<1 then done:=true { quit if ncol<1 } else begin ncol:=ncol+1; { order is one less } linfit(x,y,y_calc,resid,coef,sig,nrow,ncol); write_data; plot(x,y,y_calc,nrow) end { else } until done end.