**** MTPUG.004 **** August 15, 1982 COMPARE/SRà Thå UCSÄ 1.´ Versioî modifieä bù  /ERL H. Lucas for MT+. Compares two TEXT files /COM line by line with line lengths up to 132. Compiled with MT+ 5.5 with Z option. DIRFILE/SRC The program which appeared in Newsletter #5 /SU whicè createó á filå oæ up to 200 directorù CPMNAME/SRà entrieó oî á disk® Writteî bù Steve Clamage. INDEXER/SRC Many uses. Perhaps the best is to create a file /SUB of procedure names for preparing external /DOC declarations in a multi-module implementation. Updated by Steve Clamage. XREF/SRC Updated version which recognizes "@", underscore, /SUB Braces and corrects many errors. Updated by /DOC Steve Clamage. The .COM file was complied by /COM H. Lucas and linked using the corrected @RNB. SWEEP/COM Written by Robert Fisher. An unusually versatile program for multifile copy or list, delete or rename of files. Type "sweep" to view the commands. SD/COM An alphabetic sort of files on a disk are listed at the terminal including the space for each. A must for good control of space. PLOTLIB/DOC A collection of programs for creating plots of data /SUB with a MicroAngelo dislpay board. Updated by /*** Ray Hopkins for MT+. ** Save a lot of typing ** HEXDMP/SRC A Pascal/MT+ program to read any file and dump /DOC to a disk file = "HEXDMP.DAT" for later viewing. /ERL at the terminal or when printed. Written by /COM H. Lucas. Particularily useful when viewing files created by another system or language. LONGLINE/PAS A collection of Pascal programs written for Pascal/Z NADY /PAS and appearing on their program disks. Included with PTABLE /PAS permission of Charlie Foster, Editor of Pascal/Z QQSORT /PAS Newsletter. All need conversion to MT+ and all QSORT /PAS include some interesting examples of unique program SHELL /PAS design. ZCOMPR /PAS