Module Acoustic_Coupler; { Written by Warren A. Smith } { intended for the public domain } { 01/30/82 } { This set of routines is meant to be compatible with those found in } { DCMODEM (for the D.C. Hayes modem). It is intended that with these } { routines you will be able to write programs that can utilize either } { the D.C. Hayes modem (or the PMMI modem when I get around to it) or } { an acoustic coupler and use them interchangeably by re-linking with } { the appropriate library. } { Port assignments for serial port of acoustic coupler } Const Status_Reg_Modem= $03; Modem_Rcv_Reg = $02; Modem_Xmit_Reg = $02; Procedure Init_Modem; Const Char_Length = 3; { 8 data bits } Stop_bits = 0; { 1 stop bits } Parity_Inhibit = 1; { no parity } Parity_Type = 1; { even parity } Baud = 300; { 300 baud } begin { Init_Modem } { This routine is intended for use as an initializing routine } { if your serial port needs it. You should set up your port } { to match the comments above. } end; { Init_Modem } Procedure Set_Modem (Modebyte : byte); begin { Set_Modem } { This routine lets you change the various modes of the modem, } { most acoustic couplers can't do anything. } end; { Set_Modem } Procedure Go_Onhook (Var Modem_Mode : byte); begin { Go_Onhook } Clrbit (Modem_Mode, 7); Set_Modem (Modem_Mode) end; { Go_Onhook } Procedure Go_Offhook (Var Modem_Mode : byte); begin { Go_Offhook } SetBit (Modem_Mode, 7); Set_Modem (Modem_Mode) end; { Go_Offhook } Procedure Set_Ans_Mode (Var Modem_Mode : byte); begin { Set_Ans_Mode } Clrbit (Modem_Mode, 2); Set_Modem (Modem_Mode) end; { Set_Modem_Mode } Procedure Set_Org_Mode (Var Modem_Mode : byte); begin { Set_Org_Mode } Setbit (Modem_Mode, 2); Set_Modem (Modem_Mode) end; { Set_Org_Mode } Procedure Set_Baud (Baud : integer; Var Modem_Mode : byte); begin { Set_Baud } Case Baud of 110 : Clrbit (Modem_Mode, 0); 300 : Setbit (Modem_Mode, 0); else Setbit (Modem_Mode, 0); end; Set_Modem (Modem_Mode) end; { Set_Baud } Procedure Enable_Xmit (Var Modem_Mode : byte); begin { Enable_Xmit } Setbit (Modem_Mode, 1); Set_Modem (Modem_mode) end; { Enable_Xmit } Procedure Disable_Xmit (Var Modem_Mode : byte); begin { Disable_Xmit } Clrbit (Modem_Mode, 1); Set_Modem (Modem_Mode) end; { Disable_Xmit } Function Carrier_Present : boolean; begin { Carrier_Present } { If you have your serial port wired up to recieve a carrier } { detect signal then you should test for that bit, otherwise } { just return TRUE. } Carrier_Present := TRUE { Carrier_Present := Tstbit (Inp[Status_Reg_Modem], 6) } end; { Carrier_Present } Function Ringing : boolean; begin { Ringing } { Most ports can't detect ringing so just return FALSE. } Ringing := FALSE { Ringing := not Tstbit (Inp[Status_Reg_Modem]), 7) } end; { Ringing } Function Modem_Char_Rdy : boolean; begin { Modem_Char_Rdy } { Returns TRUE if data is available in the input port } { (does NOT read the data) } Modem_Char_Rdy := Tstbit (Inp[Status_Reg_Modem], 1) end; { Modem_Char_Rdy } Function Modem_In : char; begin { Modem_In } { Reads the data port of the acoustic coupler. May have to } { mask off bit 7 of the data if the sender is not treating it } { as part of the data byte sent. } Modem_In := chr(Inp[Modem_Rcv_Reg] & $7F) end; { Modem_In } Function Modem_Out (OutChar : char) : boolean; Function Modem_Busy : boolean; begin { Modem_Busy } { Returns TRUE if the transmit buffer empty bit of status port } { indicates that the UART is still transmitting. } Modem_Busy := not Tstbit (Inp[Status_Reg_Modem], 0) end; { Modem_Busy } begin { Modem_Out } While Modem_Busy do; If Carrier_Present then begin Out [Modem_Xmit_Reg] := ord(OutChar); Modem_Out := TRUE end else Modem_Out := FALSE end; { Modem_Out } Procedure Delay; { delay's for 10 millisecond } Const Count = 477; Var I : integer; begin { Delay } { Very machine dependent. I am using a 5 MHz 8085, running } { Pascal MT+ 5.5 if that helps. } For I := 1 to Count do end; { Delay } Procedure Dial_a_Number (Var Modem_Mode : byte; Number : string); Var I, J, Pulse_Count : integer; Procedure Pulse_Line; Var I : integer; begin { Pulse_Line } Go_Onhook (Modem_Mode); For I := 1 to 5 do Delay; { leave on for 50 ms } Go_Offhook (Modem_Mode); For I := 1 to 5 do Delay { leave off for 50 ms } end; { Pulse_Line } begin { Dial_a_Number } { Included as an example of how to do it. } Go_Offhook (Modem_Mode); For I := 1 to 100 do Delay; For I := 1 to Length(Number) do If (Number[I] < '0') OR (Number[I] > '9') then begin Write (Number[I]); For J := 1 to 300 do { wait 3 seconds for non_digit } Delay end else begin Pulse_Count := ord(Number[I]) - $30; If Pulse_Count = 0 then Pulse_Count := 10; Write (Number[I]); For J := 1 to Pulse_Count do Pulse_Line; For J := 1 to 60 do Delay { 600 ms delay between digits } end; Writeln; Writeln('All right dummy, now that you''ve watched me, let''s see if'); Writeln('you know how to dial a phone. Make the connection, and hit'); Writeln('RETURN when you get a carrier.'); Readln end; { Dial_a_Number } Modend.