The"*.PS" files in this directory contain the CP/M 3.0 manual. The CP/M 3.0 manual is actualy a collection of individual manuals which, when combined, document the CP/M 3.0 operating system. The namual used was a reprint of the original Digital Research manual, by Commodore Business Machines. It was scanned, then converted to a text file with OCR software. Two of these individual manuals, the Programmers Guide, and teh System Guide, contain numerous illustrations that may be of importance to someone attempting to bring CP/M 3 up in a new hardware environment, so these illustrations were scanned, and included in the manuals. This required tyhe distribution of these manuals as PostScript files so that the illustrations could be reproduced. NOTE : NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE TRANSLATION PROCESS. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL CALDERA BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS IN THE SCANNING/OCR/PROOFREADING PROCESS. This manual is simply provided in the hope that some will find it useful. The files in this directory are : READ.ME - This file. CPM3-M.ZIP - PKZIP'd file containing the following manuals in Postscript format. USRGUIDE.PS - Users Guide. COMMAND.PS - Command Summary. SID.PS - SID Command Summary. PGRGUIDE.PS - Programmers Guide. SYSTEM.PS - System Guide