;; My ZEX script for putting the date into a file. |SILENCE| |zexmsg off| |say|I'm thinking please stand-by |cr lf||cr lf||cr lf||endsay| |SAY|"6 |ENDSAY| ;; Turns off curser ADM-31 Terminal era a:date {This puts file DATE. in dir A: for use with ZDE ^[2 macro} rzde a:date <$5 $6 $7s {this line puts the date in A:DATE file the ^Qs moves the curser to the beginning of the Month. The ^d moves the curser one in leaving you a capital the rest changes the month to small letters} < x ;; Saves and Exits zde SHVAR ld $2 ;; This puts current date into sh.var file |say|"3Thank-you for waiting!|endsay| ;; Turns on curser to line slow blink