txt.bin is the object file generated by running the slr assembler on txt.z80. txt is one of those great ideas every programmer wishes he had found for himself. The idea of converting a text file into a com file that requires just one command to print it on the screen is both practical and elegant. ~ Features: exit via ^C zeroes high bit of (say WS doc mode) files page breaks are forced with a tilde page breaks every 23 lines support arunz alias: txt get 100 txt.bin;get 180 $1;save $2 $tn1.com r (Usage: /txt fn.ft r) (Where r is fn.ft's record size, *plus 1.* Generates fn.com. Requires 2 arguments and knowledge of the number of records in source.) Pretty cute, n'est pas? Eric Gans French Department UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90024 Updated by Lee Bradley, Small Computer Support, 31 July 1990, 3 August 1990.