PAIR.DOC 01/30/85 by Robert Flagg 72466,2332 Documentation file for PAIR.COM dated 01/02/84, author unknown PAIR is a program used to examine WordStar files for single occurrences of print control characters usually used in pairs, such as ^B, ^S, ^D etc. Anyone who has left a long job printing and returned to find pages 15 through 35 completely underlined will appreciate this program. It does not fix the problem, but it will tell you whether you have any unbalanced pairs. If you do, you then must use WordStar to locate the unbalanced pair and fix it. To use, simply invoke the command at the system prompt: A>pair ENTER FILE NAME:pairtst LOOKING FOR UNBALANCED^B,^D,^S,^T,^V,^X UNBALANCED^B UNBALANCED^S A> You can also include the filename and optional drive on the command line: A>pair d:pairtst2 LOOKING FOR UNBALANCED^B,^D,^S,^T,^V,^X NO UNBALANCED PAIRS A> -eof-