3 June, 1988 FINRP28Z.COM is the newest version of Eric Gans' FINREP (find/replace) utility. I have overlaid it with the ZCPR3 adaptation patch, FNREPZPT.Z80, which Bruce Morgen distributed back in March '87 for FINREP24.COM. As far as I can tell all that was needed was a change in the location of the patch code (OBB0h vice 0C44h). Renamed to FINREP.COM and placed on A0:, this highly useful utility now responds correctly to ZCPR3 "DU:" and named directory references and can be used from any place on one's system. See FINREP28.LBR (probably now on many BBSs) for documentation on usage. Bill Tishey 8335 Dubbs Dr. Severn, Md, 21144