PRTRLE Version 2.0 Gene Pizzetta December 26, 1990 PRTRLE is a ZCPR3 utility that prints high resolution Run Length Encoded (RLE) graphics files on Epson graphic printers. USAGE: PRTASM {dir:}fn{.ft} {...} {/options} A file list may be given, but at least one filename is required. If no filetype is given, "RLE" is assumed. Names in the file list may be separated by any number of spaces and commas. Ambiguous filenames are not accepted, but will not abort the program. If no DU or DIR specification is given, the current drive/user is assumed. OPTIONS: A leading slash is required. If a filename is used that begins with a slash, it must be preceded by a DU specification. F Send a form feed to the printer after each picture is printed. Normally, a form feed is sent after every third picture so three pictures are printer per page. This option actually toggles the default condition, which can be changed with ZCNFG. H Do not print filename header before printing each picture. This is useful for including pictures in documents. This option actually toggles the default condition, which can be changed with ZCNFG. Once printing has begun, pressing any key will cancel printing of the current picture file. If the pressed key is ^C, PRTRLE will return to the operating system; otherwise, it will skip to the next file in the list and continue printing. If a file cannot be found, or if an ambiguous file spec is encountered, PRTRLE will display an error message and then continue with the next file in the file list. It will, however, set the program error flag on exit. PRTRLE, with header suppressed, can be used to insert a picture into a text file, if the paper has been properly aligned. Or, using the F option, a single picture can be printed on each page. ERRORS: Most error messages are self-explanatory. However, if you print many RLE files, you will probably see "Non-standard RLE file" or "Unexpected end-of-file". The first message means that PRTRLE has encountered an escape code in the file that it does not recognize. The latter message indicates that a CP/M end-of- file character was encountered before the proper terminating escape sequence was found. I have run into several RLE files that are terminated with an incorrect escape code or no code at all. Usually the picture will be complete and the message can be considered informational only. There may be times, however, that these messages mean something is wrong. If an escape sequence indicates the RLE file contains medium- resolution graphics, PRTRLE will abort printing that file with a message. Only high-resolution graphics can be printed. Medium resolution graphics files are not supported, mainly because I haven't found any medium resolution files to experiment with. CONFIGURATION: PRTRLE configuration options can be easily set using ZCNFG and the accompanying PRTRLEnn.CFG file. The name of the CFG file should not be changed, so that ZCNFG can always find it, even if you rename PRTRLE. No provisions have been made for changing the printer strings because I have no idea how printers that are not Epson-compatible handle bit-mapped graphics. For full details of the configuration options see the ZCNFG help screens. RLE GRAPHICS FILES: Run Length Encoding is a machine independent graphics standard that originated on CompuServe. It pre-dates CIS's current GIF standard, but it is widely used because it is supported by more graphics programs running on more machines. RLE files are readily available on both CompuServe and GEnie, especially in the Macintosh and Commodore file areas. Although the size of the data files vary with the complexity of the picture, the number of bytes generated is always the same. The files were designed for screen display, but a printer will do in a pinch, as PRTRLE shows. HISTORY: Version 2.0 -- December 26, 1990 -- Gene Pizzetta Can't believe I never got around to converting this little exercise from my Commodore 128 days. Now it's a Z utility. Eliminated several CP/M 3-specific BDOS calls. Added DU support. Eliminated warm boot on exit. Incorporated library routines. Translated to Zilog opcodes. Added LST- status check. Now accepts a file list. Aborts on ^C, but any other key skips to next file. Sets error flag. Added configuration bytes and command line options. ZCNFG configuration. Epson-specific because I don't know how any other printers handle graphics. Version 1.1 -- September 20, 1987 -- Gene Pizzetta Added page numbering and boldfacing in header. Version 1.0 -- September 17, 1987 -- Gene Pizzetta First release as CP/M-Plus utility. Gene Pizzetta 481 Revere St. Revere, MA 02151 Voice: (617) 284-0891 Newton Centre Z-Node: (617) 965-7259 Ladera Z-Node Central: (213) 670-9465 GEnie: E.PIZZETTA