ZDB 1.8b - changes by Al Hawley 02/04/92 -A "jr clkok" instruction was added at the end of the clkok: routine after the call to fnamz to enable recognition of the DU spec in the default data filename. -In ZDB18.B, added 2 instructions which send "ATZ" to the modem after completion of dialing. This leaves the modem in a well defined standard state for subsequent use by other communication programs which may not reset the S7 register. ZDB 1.8 Joe Mortensen January 30, 1992 Bug fixes in this release: 1. A problem with editing after using the Find command has been corrected. The bug was creating a second record and appending it to the file rather than changing the existing one. 2. Problems some users have with the formfeed after printing labels has been fixed through elimination. After each label is printed the printer now gets a reset string to restore the printer to its defaults. The final formfeed after a label printing session is gone. This was never a problem to me, but some users have complained and pleaded for mercy. Now granted. Changes in this release: 1. Default data file name may now have driver/user prefix as part of it. This is configurable with the CFG file. Up to 16 characters may be in the file name. 2. I have gone back to a single version of ZDB rather than separate ones for ZSDOS and Z3Plus. V. 1.8 uses the DSLIB clock routines for portability. Problems not resolved: I received one note about a problem with zero length printer strings. I have not been able to duplicate the problem. If you run into this, please give me some details. Some users find that their printers can't handle both NLQ and Emphasized print at the same time. The distribution version is set up this way. If you have a problem, use CFG to change your printer strings.