Option O -- File list disk output. If you would prefer that FL default to screen display only, choose "No" for this option. The default chosen here can be toggled with the command line "O" option. Option D -- Include DU specifications. FL can include DU specifications with each filename in the FILELIST file. Choosing "Yes" will make that the default. The default here can be toggled with the "D" option on the command line. Option S -- Include system files. As distributed FL defaults to finding only non-system (directory) files. A "Yes" allows FL to always find all files, including system files. The default set here can be toggled with the command line "S" option. Option P -- Screen paging. FL pauses, waiting for a keypress, each time the screen fills, if "Yes" is selected. "No" makes the default continuous scrolling, which can be paused with ^S. The number of lines on the console screen is obtained from the environment. The chosen default can be toggled with the command line "P" option. Option Q -- Quiet mode. The screen display is not necessary for writing a FILELIST to disk. If you prefer no display, choose "Yes". The default can be toggled with the command line "Q" option. Option F -- File output directory. FL will write its FILELIST file to the currently logged (default) directory or to the target directory (the first one given on the command line), depending on what you select here. Make your choice based on your usual working habits. Option C -- Case of filename display. FL can display filenames in upper- or lower-case, whichever you prefer. (Actually, if lower-case is chosen, the case of filenames is actually reversed and any lower-case filename will be displayed in upper-case. This selection does not affect the case of files in the FILELIST. Option X -- Error for user abort. Select "Yes" if you want the error handler invoked when FL is aborted with ^C. This will allow also aborting a ZEX or SUB batch operation. While that can be very useful, some people might find the feature irritating. Option 1 -- Console column divider. By default FL uses a vertical bar ("|", 7Ch) between each column of the filename display. You can change the column divider to any printable character, such as a space (20h) or even a graphic character if your terminal uses 8-bit business graphics. Option 2 -- Filename for file list. As distributed, FL names the file list FILELIST (with no filetype, making it easy to spot in a directory display). If you would prefer another name, you can enter it here.