COMMAND LINE DEFAULTS: All command line options are toggles. The C, X, S, D, P, Q, M, L, and F configuration options can be toggled on or off by the corresponding command line options, depending on the defaults chosen. Most options are probably not desirable as defaults, but they're here just in case. Option C -- Embedded Comments. Some crunched files have a text comment embedded in their headers. The vast majority of embedded comments are insignificant at best, so most people will not want to see them except when requested with the command line "C" option. Nevertheless, if you want to see the comments by default choose "Yes" here. Option X -- Alternate display. If "Yes" is selected, two library member filenames will be displayed per line with their CRC's and indexes. If "No" is selected, each line displays a single member with its date stamps, uncompressed name, and (optionally) its embedded comment. Option D -- Date stamp preference. LD normally looks first for a date stamp in the library's directory. If no stamp is found there, it checks the headers of crunched files to see if there is an embedded date stamp. If "Yes" is selected here, LD will check for an embedded date stamp first and will use the directory stamp only if no embedded stamp is found or if the member file is not crunched. Option S -- Summary only. This option determines whether LD defaults to printing only the final summary line. That can be quite useful, but probably not as the default. Option P -- Screen paging. If you want LD to pause each time the screen fills, set this option to "Yes". If you're an Evelyn Wood alumnus, on the other hand, you might want to select "No" so continuous scrolling is the default. With continuous scrolling you can still pause the screen with ^S or by using the command line "P" option. (Screen paging is always off during printer output and quiet mode.) Option Q -- Quiet mode. This option determines whether LD will be in verbose or quiet mode by default. (Yes, LD has a quiet mode!) In quiet mode only error messages are displayed, which is sometimes useful with the M and L options, but nobody would want quiet mode as the default. If you're nobody, select "Yes". Option M -- Store results to memory. LD can store the number of matching member files and the number of free library directory entries to message registers. A "Yes" makes this the default; otherwise, the command line "M" option is required. Option L -- Printer echo. Printer (LST:) output is only allowed if the wheel byte is on. Normally you won't want this as the default, but it's here just in case. Option F -- Form feed printer. LD can be configured to always send a form feed by default after a library directory is sent to the printer if "Yes" is selected. A "No" means that a final form feed will only be output if the command line "F" option is used. PERMANENT OPTIONS: The following options are permanent configurations that cannot be changed from the command line. Option R -- Message registers. When storing the results to memory, LD uses four consecutive message registers. The available registers are numbered 0 to 31. The register selected here will be the lowest one used, so the highest register number available is 28, which will use through register 31. Other programs (notably ZDE) use message registers, so make your selection based on register usage by other programs you commonly run. Option D -- Date format. The created and modified dates of libraries and their member files can be displayed in either "American" (mm/dd/yy) or "European" ( formats. It's your choice. Option T -- Time format. The created and modified times of libraries and their member files can be displayed in either "Civilian" format (12-hour time, e.g., "3:21p") or "Military" format (24-hour time, e.g., "15:21"), whichever you prefer. Option F -- Embedded date flag character. The flag character selected here is printed between the date and time if it came from an embedded stamp in the header of a crunched file. Any printable character can be selected, such as "-", "=", "*", "^", or "~". If you do not want a flag displayed at all, enter a space character. FOR NON-ZCPR3 SYSTEMS: The following permanent options are ignored when running under ZCPR3. Option S -- Number of screen lines. Enter the number of lines on your screen. You can enter any decimal number from 1 to 255. This option is only for vanilla CP/M systems. Under ZCPR3 the number of screen lines is obtained from the environment. Option W -- Wheel byte address. For vanilla CP/M remote systems that maintain a wheel byte, enter the address of that byte here as four hexadecimal characters. If a wheel byte is not maintained, the address should be "0000". Under ZCPR3 the address of the wheel byte is obtained from the environment.