Z3LIB 4.4a 14 Jul 91 (corrects 22 Jun) This release of the LIBRARIES Version 4.4 solves many problems reported over the past year or so. Among the more significant are: GETNDR - Corrected error that returned Number of entries in NDR instead of Number of 128-byte sectors in NDR. ADDNDR - Corrected logic flaw and shortened code. SUBNDR - Corrected logic flaw and shortened code. IDXNDR - New routine returning pointer to specified relative record. GETND0 - New routine same as GETNDR but returns Number of Entries in the NDR Buffer. GETQUIET- should now work properly in systems with no ENV Version 4.4a corrects NDR bugs in June 4.4 release and adds Drive Vector checking of ZFNAME/ZPRSFN Drives if operating under Extended Environments. It also adds some bulletproffing to GETMSG (and several other modules) to prevent programs from bombing if executed under a system with No valid Environment. The libraries are being released in Consolidated form (a separate one for MicroSoft REL and SLR REL) to keep things simple. Each of these routines contains the following files: SYSLIB - Version 4.4 Z3LIB - Version 4.4 VLIB - Version 4.4 DSLIB - Version 4.3a (still contains some known errors) LIBVERS.Z80/COM - Program to print library versions (Source & Com) Z3LIB2.HLP - Revised Help file adding IDXNDR and GETND0 docs SYSLIBB.HLP - Help file documenting the New Sort Support -Z3L44.NOT - This file Hal Bower