#5 Z-System Software-Update-Service Catalog 05/06/90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============== SUS DISKS =============== SUS Disk #5 (05/06/90)...........................................(261k) $10.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LBREXT30.LBR Issued: 3/90 Author: Howard Goldstein Size 31k Contents: LBREXT30.CZM, LBREXT30.FOR, LBREXT30.ZZ0, SLUOPEN.REL, SLUOPEN.SLR, SLUOPEN.ZZ0, UNCREL.REL, UNLZH.REL, USQREL.REL Version 3.0 of the Z-System librrary file extract utility contains a fix to to the SCAN routine that caused the program to misbehave occasionally in various unpredictable ways depending on the previous contents of memory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RENAME34.LBR Issued: 4/90 Author: Gene Pizzetta Size: 20k Contents: RENAME34.CIM, RENAME34.CZM, RENAME34.FOR, RENAME34.ZZ0 RENAME renames non- system files from the command line or interactively, using ambiguous filenames and CP/M-style or MS-DOS-style syntax. Options allow prompting before each file is renamed, renaming of system files, and erasure of existing files without prompting. Version 3. 4 adds no new features, but the display has been reworked to make it cleaner, simpler, and more compact. Now ^C aborts at any prompt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROMAN03A.LBR Issued: 4/90 Author: Gene Pizzetta Size: 8k Contents: ROMAN03A.CIM, ROMAN03A.CZM, ROMAN03A.FOR, ROMAN03A.MZC ROMAN03A.SUB ROMAN converts decimal numbers to Roman numerals. Works from the command line, or in interactive mode. For ZCPR3 only, includes standard COM file and Type 3 version loading at 8000h. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNARCZ10.LBR Issued: 3/90 Author: Gene Pizzetta Size: 81k Contents: UNARCZ10.CZM, UNARCZ10.DZC, UNARCZ10.FOR, UNARCZ10.HZS, UNARCZ10.ZZ0, UNARCZOV.AZM UNARCZ is a ZCPR3 utility which lists, types, prints, checks, and extracts member files in ARC and ARK files. Recognizes DU and DIR file specs, and automatically checks the ZCPR3 WHEEL byte. An overlay file is included to install options, particularly for RCP/M's. Based on UNARC 1.6 by Robert Freed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VLIB4D.LBR Issued: 2/90 Author: Joe Wright Size: 67k Contents: -VLIB4D.NZT, BOX.ZZ0, NZTCAPD.ZZ0, SETATR.ZZ0, TEST.ZZZ, VLIB.HZP, VLIB1.HZP, VLIB2.HZP, VLIB3.HZP, VLIB4D.REL, WSPATD.HZX, WSPATD.MZC VLIB is a library of routines originally designed by Richard Conn to support ZCPR3. Changes in this version include: optimized code for the Z80 processor family, conversion to a table-driven mode for increased speed, and the addition of several new routines compatible with some of the GRWLIB and GRXLIB routines which were never widely adopted. Programs using routines from this library are able to enhance video displays with direct cursor addressing, video attributes and new modes of operation such as Pull-Down Menus in a portable manner among other Z-Systems without re- installation. Portability is achieved by accessing terminal descriptions contained in the ZCPR3 TCAP, or compatible record. In most systems, the TCAP is stored in the second half of the ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z3HELP24.LBR Issued: 4/90 Author: Bill Tishey Size: 41k New files and updates to Bill Tishey's ZCPR3 help system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZFILES24.LZT Issued: 4/90 Author: Bill Tishey Size: 13k List of most current Z-System files, their version numbers and other stats. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------