Requests have been received to add two new functions to FF. 1) Have FF write out to a System buffer (like the registers 16-31) the DU and FN.FT of the first file found. 2) Give FF the ability to delete those files found, subject, of course, to a command line option switch. Neither of these enhancements have been implemented in this version. The first suffers from uncertainty about where to write the filespec, and from a second problem: what program can use the information? The second suggestion, it seems to me, is beyond the scope of the function of FF: to find and report its findings. Both functions could be satisfied if we had available a PIPE construct as in UNIX. I also suspect that such a function might be emulated by some innovative use of ZEX and/or the SHELL system. There are a lot of alternatives to consider, and FF should not have to wait for these more general questions to be addressed. They ARE general, in that other programs could also be treated this way, and other functions than delete are worth considering. Al Hawley 01/19/90