FF CONFIGURATION MENU Drives which may be searched by FF. Type drive letter to toggle. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z R) Return number of files found in register number ~ z S) include System files in the search ? ~zzz T) Terminator following DIR/DU for found files is ~z V) View console screen with Paging enabled? ~zzz W) auto-Wildcarding in the search argument? ~zzz 0) Limit default drives to logged-in ones? ~zzz 1) display drive # headers for found files? ~zzz 2) Use NDR to control search? ~zzz 3) Wheel control? ~zzz 4) NDR for wheel user? ~zzz