RCOPY Version 1.1 Gene Pizzetta September 22, 1990 RCOPY was written to speed the transfer of files to the RAM disk of my SB180 on boot-up and at the same time make a huge reduction in the size of my STARTUP alias. RCOPY copies a list of files between two directories. The source and destination directories and the list of files are internally configured. It also be useful in other situations, such as copying all WordStar's overlay files to a RAM disk before doing word processing. Under ZDDOS and ZSDOS file date stamps are preserved. ZCPR3 is required. USAGE: RCOPY {{/}option} An option is the only command line parameter allowed. The source and destination directories and the names of the files to be copied are held internally in a configuration block. RCOPY *MUST* be configured before it is used. If a file is not found, or if a filename in the file list contains wildcard characters, those files will be skipped, but copying will continue with the next filename. Other errors will abort the program. OPTION: Q Toggles quiet mode. Whether RCOPY defaults to Quiet mode is determined by the ZCPR3 quiet flag or by a configuration byte (see below). The Q option toggles RCOPY to the non-default mode. CONFIGURATION: RCOPY should be configured using ZCNFG and the accompanying CFG file. Even if you change the name of RCOPY, ZCNFG will always be able to find the CFG file as long as it is named RCOPYnn.CFG, where nn is the RCOPY version. Up to 20 files can be included in the internal file list. (This limitation is set by ZCNFG; an unlimited number of files can be copied if they are added in the source code and RCOPY re- assembled.) All files must reside in the same directory, and all will be copied to another common directory. Ambiguous filenames, if included in the file list, will be skipped by RCOPY, but a warning message will be displayed. Blank filenames in the file list will be ignored. ZCNFG must also be used to tell RCOPY in what drive/user to find the files in the file list, and to what directory the files will be copied. Lastly, an internal quiet flag can be configured to put RCOPY into quiet mode by default. See the ZCNFG help messages for a complete discussion of the configuration options available. HISTORY: Version 1.1 -- September 22, 1990 -- Gene Pizzetta Modified quiet mode display to print dots on screen so you know it's doing something. Version 1.0 -- September 16, 1990 -- Gene Pizzetta Initial release. I'm using RCOPY every day, so I think it works as advertised. If you discover any bugs, though, please let me know. Gene Pizzetta 481 Revere Street Revere, MA 02151 Newton Centre Z-Node: (617) 965-7259 GEnie: E.PIZZETTA Voice: (617) 284-0891