; Library: ZSLIB ; Version: 2.1 ; Module: ZSPRDAT3 ; Version: 1.1 ; Author: Carson Wilson ; Date: February 2, 1990 ; Changes: Shortened code. No longer tests for invalid date/time. ; Version: 1.0 ; Author: Carson Wilson ; Date: February 16, 1989 ; Changes: Now uses day to validate stamps (for CP/M Plus). ; Version: 0.1 ; Author: Carson Wilson ; Date: August 9, 1988 ; Purpose: Print date in short form. ; PUBLIC PRDAT3 EXTRN COUT,PA2HC ; SYSLIB ; ; PRDAT3 - Print short form of date, e.g., "03/02/88" ; ; Entry: - points to date as BCD yy mm dd. ; Exit: - Date printed. ; Uses: - none. ; PRDAT3: push hl push af inc hl ; Print month call PM2HC call SLASH ; Print day inc hl ; Day call PM2HC call SLASH ; Print year dec hl dec hl ; Year call PM2HC pop af pop hl ret ; ------------------------------------ ; ; Subroutines ; SLASH ld a,'/' jp COUT ; PM2HC - Print value at (HL) as 2 hex chars. PM2HC: ld a,(hl) jp PA2HC ; Display & return end ; End ZSPRDAT3.Z80