New in ZSLIB version 2.1 02 Feb 90 by Carson Wilson The most important change in version 2.1 is that the PRDATx and MDATx routines no longer check for a valid datestamp. Instead, they assume that the caller has already verified the BCD stamp with a call to ISBCDD. This not only saves code, it is also more intuitive than having a separate (and inferior) date validity routine in each PRDATx and MDATx module, and allows the routines to use fewer registers, since no return codes are needed. My apologies for any inconvenience this causes. Several other routines have also been reduced in size, thanks to suggestions from Howard Goldstein. The empty module ZSLIBVER was added as a means of identifying which version of ZSLIB a .REL library contains. The version is the last two digits of the public symbol "VERSxx" which is contained in the ZSLIBVER module. Finally, SMHL5DC+ was inoperative in ZSLIB version 2.0, resulting in faulty time storage for relative ("+nnnn") times. This has been fixed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New in ZSLIB version 2.0 21 Jan 90 by Carson Wilson SMHL5DC+ - Parallel to SPHL5DC+, stores ASCII number to memory. ZSISBCDD - Checks BCD time/date at HL for validity. ZSMAFHC - Parallel to PAFHC routine, stores result to memory. ZSMAHC - Parallel to PAHC routine, stores result to memory. ZSMDAT1 - Parallel to PRDATx routines, stores result to memory. ZSMDAT2 - ZSMDAT3 - ZSMOUT - Parallel to SYSLIB COUT routine, stores result to memory. ZSMSTR - Parallel to SYSLIB PSTR routine, stores result to memory. ZSMTIMC1 - Parallel to PTIM??? routines, store results to memory. ZSMTIMC2 - ZSMTIMC3 - ZSMTIMM1 - ZSMTIMM2 - ZSMTIMM3 - ZSPARSDS - ASCII datespec to BCD buffer parser. Very powerful. ZSSSTPCP - Set CP/M Plus or Z3PLUS datestamp.