From: Roger Bond File: SCAN-BG2.TXT Date: 01/06/90 Subj: Suggested BGii Change to the SCAN21 Alternate Commands Here are some suggested changes for those who are more used to BGii TYPE commands. There seemed to be no way to change the SCAN21 'B' (as in "bottom of file") to the BGii 'E' (as in "end of file" with regular 'E' and not '^E'; but 'T' could be changed safely to '^B' as in "beginning of file"), so just leave the 'T' ("top of file" command) and 'B' commands as is. Location Default (Hex) Function BGii Change ========================================================================= 0280h 'T'-40h (14h) Top of file. 0281h 'B'-40h (02h) Bottom of file. 0282h 'R'-40h (12h) Up (back) one page 0283h '<' (3Ch) Up (back) one page 0284h ',' (2Ch) Up (back) one page (09h) 0285h 'W'-40h (17h) Up (back) one line , (2Ch) 0286h 'E'-40h (05h) Up (back) one line 028Bh 'Z'-40h (1Ah) Down (forward) one line . (2Eh) 028Ch 'X'-40h (18h) Down (forward) one line 028Dh 'M'-40h (0Dh) Down (forward) one line (20h) 028Eh 'C'-40h (03h) Down (forward) one page 028Fh '>' (3Eh) Down (forward) one page 0290h '.' (2Eh) Down (forward) one page 0291h ' ' (20h) Down (forward) one page (0Dh) 0293h 'F'-40h (06h) Find string 0294h 'L'-40h (0Ch) Find string again =========================================================================