A error message string, temporary string B baud rate C temporary city code in PCPMAN D PCP outdial city code E RAS phone number F RAS system name, scratch sometimes %a area code of city currently connected to (or 0 if none) %b maximum baud rate %c current city selection (see PCPMAN.MEX menu) %d temporary variable %e max number of tries %f main area code %g alternate area code (or 0 if none) %h flag for "1" prefix requirement (0 if not required) %i %j %k %l %m menu selection %n stepdown mode ( 0 = manual, >0 = automatic ) %o flag used to indicate current stepdown status (0 = no ..stepdown yet) %p number of city actually connected to %q %r count of number of rings detected %s default tries to connect to RAS %t default tries to connect to city %u flag to show intial attempt to connect to a city or RAS %v flag to show Vadic status ( >0 if modem in Vadic mode ) %w cursor row %x loop index %y cursor column %z dummy counter