Z34 ERROR CODES For Z34ERR.LIB, Version 1.2 The Z34ERR.LIB file defines the ZCPR34 Command Processor error codes and provides macros for generating the associated error messages. To ensure consistent numbering and usage, additions to this list should be proposed to: Jay Sage, (617)-965-7259 Z-Node #3. 1 DUCHG Directory change error -- attempt to change logged directory when under control of wheel byte and wheel is off. 2 BADDIR Bad directory specification -- logging of user number beyond legal range, nonexistent named directory. 3 BADPASS Bad password -- incorrect password entered. 4 UNKERR Unknown error -- any error with no error code. 5 BADCMD Bad command form -- wildcard or filetype present in command verb. 6 ECPERR ECP error -- command could not be executed by ECP, or error handling was forced by a transient for its own reasons (do not change from 6). 7 NOCMD Command file not found -- command that skips ECP could not be executed, GET could not find file to load. 8 AMBIG Ambiguous file specification where not allowed (SAVE, GET, REN). 9 BADNUM Bad numerical value -- not a number where number expected, number out of range. 10 NOFILE File not found -- REN, TYPE, LIST could not find a specified file. 11 DISKFULL Disk directory or data area full. 12 TPAFULL TPA overflow error (out of memory). 13 SEGSIZE ZCPR3 segment is too big to fit in the available buffer. 14 SEGADDR An address in the ZCPR3 segment is incorrect for the current buffer. 15 MCLOVFL The command line would overflow the available command line buffer. 16 DUPSPEC Duplicate filespec -- source and destination filenames and drive/user are the same. 17 FILERO File is read-only. 18 DISKRO Disk is read-only. 19 BADOPT Invalid option -- unrecognized or conflicting options. 20 RSXLOAD An RSX cannot be loaded, possibly because there are other RSX's in memory. 21 RSXREMOVE An RSX cannot be removed, possibly because there are lower RSX's in memory or a special removal tool is required. USAGE: (1) "Include" the Z34ERR.LIB file in the source program. (2) Generate the table of pointers to the error messages with: ECTABLE (3) Generate the messages: ECMSGS (4) Index into the table using the error code number, obtain the message pointer, and use a string-print routine to display it.